This is a list of API endpoints, libraries, apps, tools and anything else that's available to access data in the Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg network. This includes the VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft Nürnberg .
This document is heavily inspired by derhuerst/vbb-modules and kiliankoe/vvo.
Got any more info, details, links? Please don't hesitate to open an issue and/or PR 🙃
- VGN: GTFS - Official VGN GTFS feed
- - Offical VAG Open Data portal platform. Actually offered data:
- Haltestellen: IDs und Geodaten - List of all VAG stops including geolocation and corresponding IDs
- Infrastruktur | Tram: Ausstattung der Haltestellen - Tram stop facilities
- Infrastruktur | U-Bahn - Subway station facilities
- Infrastruktur | U-Bahn: Aufzüge - Subway station elevators
- Infrastruktur | Tram: Steighöhen - Entry heights of tram stops
- Fuhrpark | Bus - Technical data about buses
- Fuhrpark | Tram - Technical data about trams
- Fuhrpark | U-Bahn - Technical data about metro trains
- Fuhrpark - General information about vehicle fleet
- Taxis in Nürnberg - Geolocations of Taxi stands in Nuremberg. Offical data (Excel file)
- Simple script to download all VGN stops as GTFS-compatible CSVjustusjonas74/vgn-prices
- A simple web scraper to extract prices from to JSON, CSV and Markdown.
- VAG Echtzeitabfahrtsmonitor - Official REST-API to query stops and trips served by VAG Nürnberg and get (real time) departures
- A python library for generating and executing queries for the VAG public transport system start.vag.deBolverBlitz/oepnv-nuremberg
- A pure JS library for VAG & VGN - APIs, Public Data and webscraping
- VGN Fahrplan & Tickets - Official real time journey planner and mobile ticketing app (iOS, Andriod)
- VAG Mitfahrer App - Official App to offer somebody a lift on your multi-person ticket for free (Android / iOS)
- FahrInfo Nürnberg - Journey planner
- Unofficial Open Source Android application to display the VGN-Semesterticket on the device- Abfahrzeiten Nürnberg - Unofficial iOS App to display departures
- VGN Widget - Embed VGN journey planner to your website
- VAG Profi-Widget - Windows client to display departures
- Simple React based Progressive Web App consuming VAG Echtzeitabfahrtsmonitor APIvlewin/vgn-departures-ionic
- VGN Nürnberg live transport arrivals build with awesome Ionic frameworkBolverBlitz/oepnv-nuremberg-alexa-skill
- Alexa Skill to get all avaible data about the VGN