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Trying-early adaptive multilevel splitting algorithm applied to the Lorenz-96 model


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This repository contains python modules and scripts to run the experiments in the preprint ``Bringing statistics to storylines: rare event sampling for sudden, transient extreme events'' by Justin Finkel and Paul A. O'Gorman.

Below we give a brief set of instructions for running the code to produce the results from the paper, followed by a longer (but still cursory) overview of the code organization with indications of how to extend it for other dynamical systems. In the likely scenario of problems, please don't hesitate to contact me at ju26596 (at) I'm happy to help troubleshoot.

How to run the code

All runnable scripts are in the subfolder TEAMS_L96/examples/lorenz96. Navigate there first.

Run a control simulation

Open At the bottom if __name__ == "__main__" block, there are two possible procedures to run: main_dns()which runs a straightforward control simulation with fixed parameters, anddns_meta_analysis` which collects and compares output from several DNS runs with different parameters.

Let's start with main_dns(), a function which begins with a tododict specifying a list of tasks to perform (in order). This way, you can quickly repeat later tasks (which often involve making figures) without repeating expensive earlier tasks, which have been saved to file. This is my way of notebook-ifying a plain .py file.

First, modify home_dir to point to your base TEAMS_L96 DIRECTORY, and modify scratch_dir to point to where you want results saved. Right below, you can further configure the dns_supdir file (I tack onto the end date_str and sub_date_str for the present date). Within dns_supdir, you can put outputs from multiple parameter settings, which will be automatically labeled in further subdirectories according to the function label_from_config.

In the command line, if you type

python 1

This will run a DNS simulation in chunks of length 2000 (modify via duration_dns_phys) and repeat 10 times (modify via num_repetitions) with stochastic forcing at wavenumber 4 (modify within config_onetier.yml) with magnitude equal to the 1th argument of siglist and a value of a (the advection coefficient) equal to 1th argument of alist (modify within You could also specify all parameters statically within config_onetier.yml, including a and noise magnitude, but then in main_dns() you must set loop_through_sigmas and params_from_sysargs both to False. The output will go into dns_dir, a subdirectory of dns_supdir which is automatically labeled by Lorenz96Ensemble.label_from_config. After the DNS is run, a section of it will be plotted and the .png file saved to dns_dir (see the function ensemble_lorenz96/visualize_long_integration).

By running the same script again, you will keep adding chunks of integration to the same output directory dns_dir, each one a different Lorenz96EnsembleMember object. The mth chunk will be stored in <dns_dir>/DNS/output/mem<m>, whereas the metadata for the whole Lorenz96Ensemble will be stored in <dns_dir>/DNS/output/ens, a binary file. See below for explanations of these objects. Fig. 3 of the paper used 64 total chunks for each parameter set.

Now, supposing you've done the above for a variety of parameters (either by modifying the config_onetier.yml file and running the code repeatedly, or by looping through parameters, or by running multiple parameters in a SLURM batch job (see the last line of dns.sbatch)), you can modify if __name__ == __main__ to call ensemble_lorenz96/dns_meta_analysis to make plots like Figs. 2 and 3 of the paper. To do this, modify forcing_dir_list to be the list of output directories (dns_dir variables) from DNS that you want to analyze, and modify meta_dir to be the location for the intercomparison plots. meta_dir need not bear any relation to forcing_dir_list.

Run the TEAMS algorithm

Open Make sure the if __name__ == "__main__" block calls teams_pipeline(), and then go into the teams_pipeline() function to modify according to your machine and desires. As above, change scratch_dir to your preferred storage location, and home_dir to the top-level repo directory. To only run TEAMS, set tododict['run_teams_flag'] = 1. The following flags specify post-analysis to perform. If you want return plots comparing to DNS, meaning you set tododict['summarize_tail'] = 1 and tododict['plot_return_stats'] = 1, you must also specify dns_dir_validation as the <dns_dir>/DNS generated above.

Running TEAMS has a few more command line arguments. The first argument, like in DNS, specifies which combination of (a, F_4) is used in the model, through the index in maglist (same as siglist in, sorry for the inconsistency) and alist. There is a further second argument which specifies which advance split time (delta in the paper) to use, as an index in tadvlist. Finally, all remaining command line arguments (integers) give a list of seeds to use, one for each independent run of TEAMS. So, for example, to run TEAMS with a=1, F_4=0.5, and an advance split time of 1.0 for 56 independent seeds, type in the command line

python 3 5 {0..55}

The output will go into scratch_dir in a hierarchical file structure by parameter and seed. Plots from post-processing will go in the folder containing the folders seed0, seed1, ....

The many parameters of TEAMS, other than the advance split time, can be further configured in config_teams.yml. Note that advance split time is overwritten after being read in, unless you disable params_from_sysargs, in which case you need to put in two dummy arguments before {0..55} in the command above.

After you've done some TEAMS runs with different parameters, you can compare some metrics between them by changing the if __name__ == "__main__" block to call meta_analysis_pipeline(). Therein lies another tododict, of which only two key/item pairs are directly relevant for the paper: compute_divs_limited and plot_divs_limited respectively compute and plot the two error metrics (and a few others) reported in Fig. 8 of the paper, by averaging over the many (56) runs of TEAMS for each value of stochastic forcing strength and advance split time. As in the case of above, output will be aved to meta_dir which is specified in meta_analysis_pipeline().

Run the perturbation-splitting experiments

Open In the if __name__ == "__main__" block, once again you will see two functions: one that runs the experiment, and another that conducts a meta-analysis across different parameters after those experiments have been performed. Inside pert_pipeline(), again change home_dir and scratch_dir according to your machine. Most parameters are set inside config_onetier.yml (for the physical parameters), and config_pert.yml (the experiment parameters like how long to run the ensembles, how long to wait between ensembles, etc.) But again, two key parameters are overridden by command line arguments: forcing wavenumber and forcing magnitude, whose possible values appear in wn_list and mag_list respectively. The two command line arguments say which pair of entries to use. So for example, to run wavenumber 4 with a forcing magnitude of 0.5, type

python 1 2

This will not only run and save the ensemble members, but will also call pert_analysis() to compute the average divergence timescales across initializations and make some spaghetti plots like Fig. 9 of the paper.

After running pert_pipeline() with several parameter sets, you can run meta_analysis_pipeline() (no command line arguments needed) to plot summary statistics like the time until a fixed fraction of saturation. The procedure for changing directories etc. closely mirrors the instructions above.

Structure of directories and classes

The top-level folder, TEAMS_L96, contains abstract class definitions for managing ensembles of trajectories of dynamical systems, whereas the subfolder TEAMS_L96/examples/lorenz96 instantiates those classes for the Lorenz-96 model. In principle, a user can add further examples by modifying the Lorenz-96-specific code and putting it into another folder, e.g., TEAMS_L96/examples/mymodel. The general classes are as follows:

  1. defines two abstract classes:

    • EnsembleMember represents a single, unbroken forward simulation. It has abstract methods for running dynamics forward (which must be instantiated by each system separately; for Lorenz-96, it is a simple Euler-Maruyama timestep, but for complex models one could call Fortran code through a subprocess or f2py). It also contains metadata, such as directories for saving output and warmstart_info, which contains initial conditions and perturbations needed for the integration. There is also an abstract method for loading the history of an ensemble member into memory, which is useful when we have thousands of integrations that would be unwieldy or impossible to store at once.
    • Ensemble represents a branching tree of EnsembleMembers evolving according to common dynamics. It has an attribute mem_list which is a list of EnsembleMember instances, as well as address_book which is a list of lists of integers encoding relations between members. The element address_book[i] always ends with i. If i is an ancestral trajectory, address_book[i] has length 1. Otherwise, address_book[i][-2] is the parent of i, and so on until the leading element which is always an ancestor. Ensemble also has instance methods initialize_new_member and run_batch which instantiates new EnsembleMembers and incorporates them into the family tree. While the forward solving is achieved in EnsembleMember.run_one_cycle, the dynamics can be parameterized through the model_params argument to Ensemble.__init__, which is forwarded to all EnsembleMembers.
  2. defines an abstract class TEAMSManager which manages an instance of Ensemble to implement the TEAMS algorithm. The manager can be seen as a state machine which updates with each new trajectory, the update being performed by the method take_next_step. The algorithm's state is encoded through the following mutable instance variables:

    • max_scores (and other lists initialized in TEAMSManager.__init__) track the score functions, splitting times, and other information for each new member.
    • acq_state_global (a dictionary) holds the information for choosing members to split, members to kill, weights assigned to each member, multiplicities, and the current level.
    • acq_state_local (a dictionary with a different key for each member) holds the information needed to spawn a child from that member, most importantly the time at which the member's score crosses the current level.
  3. defines an abstract class PERTManager which manages an instance of Ensemble to perform the experiments to quantify divergence rates of trajectories. The structure is similar to that of TEAMSManager but with much simpler logic.


Trying-early adaptive multilevel splitting algorithm applied to the Lorenz-96 model







