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Releases: just-the-docs/just-the-docs


16 May 00:11
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(note: we forgot to make this release post when first releasing 0.8.2 - sorry about that!)

Release v0.8.2

Hi everyone! This patch release fixes a bug where a default layout with unrestricted scope (path: "") breaks JavaScript functionality. Users who do not use a default layout with unrestricted scope should not be affected. This should be a straightforward upgrade for all users. Thank you to [@pdmosses] for triaging and fixing the bug!


  • Fixed: Protect theme JS file from front matter default for layout by [@pdmosses] in #1447


06 Mar 22:55
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Release v0.8.1

Hi folks! This patch release fixes a bug introduced in 0.8.0 that affects users who build their sites in strict mode. It is a straightforward upgrade that should require no manual migration changes. Thank you to [@Zarthus] for quickly catching and fixing this bug!


  • Fixed: Liquid filter typo in breadcrumb component (strip instead of trim) by [@Zarthus] in [#1434]


  • Build docs site using strict mode and strict_filters by [@Zarthus] in [#1435]

New Contributors


23 Feb 06:08
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Release v0.8.0

Hi folks! This first minor release of 2024 has a short number of changes: a large improvement of build times for large sites, a new keyboard shortcut to focus the search bar, and sidebar navigation bugfixes for "pretty" URLs (with .html omitted) and the clickable area on Safari. This release has no explicit breaking changes and should be a straightforward upgrade for most (if not all) users.

Using Release v0.8.0

Users who have not pinned the theme version will be automatically upgraded to v0.8.0 the next time they build their site.

To use this release explicitly as a remote theme:

remote_theme: just-the-docs/[email protected]

To use this version explicitly as a gem-based theme, pin the version in your Gemfile and re-run bundle install or bundle update just-the-docs:

gem "just-the-docs", "0.8.0"

To use and pin a previous version of the theme, replace the 0.8.0 with the desired release tag.

New Features

  • Added: configurable keyboard shortcut to focus search input by [@kcromanpl-bajra] in [#1411]


  • Fixed: quicker build by [@pdmosses] in [#1397]
  • Fixed: incorrect navigation when .html omitted from URL by [@pdmosses] in [#1374]
  • Fixed: incorrect positioning of clickable area for navigation links on Safari by [@mattxwang] in [#1403]


  • Add documentation to "Navigation Structure" on grouping pages with collections by [@mitchnemirov] in [#1390]

New Contributors

  • [@mitchnemirov] made their first contribution in [#1390]
  • [@kcromanpl-bajra] made their first contribution in [#1411]


25 Oct 19:10
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Release v0.7.0

Hi folks! This is a minor release that adds a new configuration option for opening external links in a new tab and provides many bugfixes (in both correctness and performance) for Just the Docs users with large sites. We anticipate that for most users, this is a straightforward upgrade. However, it introduces some potentially-breaking internal changes to undocumented features of the theme.

Migrating to v0.7.0

Migration: users will need to migrate if:

  • they overrode _includes/nav.html, which has moved to _includes/components/nav.html
  • they have an element with the IDs jtd-nav-activation or jtd-head-nav-stylesheet

For more, refer to the migration guide.

Using Release v0.7.0

Users who have not pinned the theme version will be automatically upgraded to v0.7.0 the next time they build their site.

To use this release explicitly as a remote theme:

remote_theme: just-the-docs/[email protected]

To use this version explicitly as a gem-based theme, pin the version in your Gemfile and re-run bundle install or bundle update just-the-docs:

gem "just-the-docs", "0.7.0"

To use and pin a previous version of the theme, replace the 0.7.0 with the desired release tag.

New Features

  • Added: configuration options for opening external links in new tab by [@CarbonNeuron] in [#1360]


  • Fixed: remove href from the navigation link to the current page by [@pdmosses] in [#1356]
  • Fixed: improve build time by [@pdmosses] in [#1358]
  • Fixed: erroneous parentheses in site_nav conditional by [@mattxwang] in [#1366]
  • Fixed: navigation scroll to active link regression by [@pdmosses] in [#1367]
  • Fixed: invalid CSS rules in head elements by [@pdmosses] in [#1368]
  • Fixed: accidental disabling of forward-declared stylesheets by [@mattxwang] in [#1373]

[#1358] moved _includes/nav.html to the _includes/components directory,
Users who were overriding that file will need to adjust their sites accordingly.


New Contributors


20 Sep 00:27
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Release v0.6.2

Hi all, this is a small patch release that includes two changes: adding a missing Windows emoji font fallback, and removing some (now-unused) code introduced in 0.6.


New Contributors


26 Aug 17:37
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Release v0.6.1

Hi all, this is a small patch release that only includes one change: resolving a bug introduced in 0.6.0 that causes a JS error for pages excluded from navigation.


  • Fixed: JS error for pages excluded from navigation by [@pdmosses] in [#1332]


20 Aug 02:00
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Release v0.6.0

Hi all, this is a minor release that introduces performance improvements for build times on large sites, correctly sets the color-scheme property, and fixes invalid HTML. However, it introduces some potentially-breaking internal changes to undocumented features of the theme.

Migrating to v0.6.0

Migration: users will need to migrate if:

  • they have an existing _includes file named favicon.html, head_nav.html, or css/activation.scss.liquid
  • they have code that refers to #main-content-wrap
  • they override the default light theme's code, or the theme-loading logic
  • they have different favicons for different pages

For more, refer to the migration guide.

Using Release v0.6.0

Users who have not pinned the theme version will be automatically upgraded to v0.6.0 the next time they build their site.

To use this release explicitly as a remote theme:

remote_theme: just-the-docs/[email protected]

To use this version explicitly as a gem-based theme, pin the version in your Gemfile and re-run bundle install or bundle update just-the-docs:

gem "just-the-docs", "0.6.0"

To use and pin a previous version of the theme, replace the 0.6.0 with the desired release tag.

New Features and Bugfixes

  • Added: $color-scheme theme variable to specify color-scheme for :root by [@sigv] in [#1280]
  • Fixed: build times for large sites by [@pdmosses] in [#1244]
  • Fixed: missing closing </button> tag in sidebar.html by [@mattxwang] in [#1304]
  • Fixed: removed duplicate #main-content-wrap minimal and default layouts by [@mattxwang] in [#1305]


{: .warning }
The theme docs are unversioned, and already reflect the above changes.

Docs changes:

  • A footnote in the configuration docs explains how disabling JavaScript affects the display of navigation links when browsing folded collections.
  • Invalid HTML has been removed from most documentation examples.

New Contributors

  • [@sigv] made their first contribution in [#1280]


05 Jul 05:07
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Hi all, this is a small patch release that only includes one change: fixing a style clash between Mermaid's labels and Just the Docs' labels.

Note: for subsequent patch releases, we will omit migration instructions (for brevity). In all cases, immediate migration should be backwards-compatible. Refer to previous major or minor update instructions for more information.


  • Fixed: Mermaid labels inheriting theme .label styling by [@mattxwang] in [#1278]


17 Jun 20:39
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Release v0.5.3

Hi all, this is a minor patch release that only includes one change: changing all text-based CSS properties to use rem instead of hard-coded px values. This has two effects:

  1. All deprecation warnings are now fixed on build; you should now get a clean build with jekyll build.
  2. We have deprecated the $root-font-size SCSS variable. We will remove it in an upcoming release of the theme.

If you use the stock Just the Docs theme, this release should have no impact on your final built site. If you change the $root-font-size SCSS variable, you might experience light layout shifts.

Using Release v0.5.3

Users who have not pinned the theme version will be automatically upgraded to v0.5.3 the next time they build their site.

To use this release explicitly as a remote theme:

remote_theme: just-the-docs/[email protected]

To use this version explicitly as a gem-based theme, pin the version in your Gemfile and re-run bundle install or bundle update just-the-docs:

gem "just-the-docs", "0.5.3"

To use and pin a previous version of the theme, replace the 0.5.3 with the desired release tag.


  • Fixed: font-size scaling for text-related CSS properties by using rem instead of fixed px values; deprecate $root-font-size by [@mattxwang] in [#1169]


07 Jun 20:45
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Release v0.5.2

Hi all, this is a minor patch release that mostly focuses on accessibility. Since we follow semantic versioning, this should be a smooth upgrade with no breaking changes.

In addition, the theme docs website has a new canonical URL: We've also retroactively published the theme docs website for version v0.3.3 at Thank you to our GitHub sponsors for funding our domain name!

Using Release v0.5.2

Users who have not pinned the theme version will be automatically upgraded to v0.5.2 the next time they build their site.

To use this release explicitly as a remote theme:

remote_theme: just-the-docs/[email protected]

To use this version explicitly as a gem-based theme, pin the version in your Gemfile and re-run bundle install or bundle update just-the-docs:

gem "just-the-docs", "0.5.2"

To use and pin a previous version of the theme, replace the 0.5.2 with the desired release tag.


  • Fixed: liquid variable leakage in navigation components by [@pdmosses] in [#1243]
  • Fixed: ARIA roles and labels for search, header, logo, mobile menu button, and main content by [@joelhawksley] in [#1259]
  • Fixed: ARIA labels for all anchors with href="#"; adds aria-pressed information for toggles by [@mattxwang] in [#1262]

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2