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. CMSC389R-Introduction-To-Ethical-Hacking

This semetser (Spring 2018) I am enrolled in a STudent Initiated Course (STIC) called CMSC389R, which is part of a subset of classes taught by students focusing on individual topics in Computer Science. The focus of this class is ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Throught the course we will learn ethical methods of hacking, what it means to be an ethical hacker, and how to both hack in a way that is okay but also protect yourself from being hacked.

Every week a challenge is given to the students, and it's up to us to complete it. This repository will document my attempt at each week's challenege. The link to the course's github page can be found here.

Thanks to the facilitators (Michael Reininger, William Woodruff, Joshua Fleming) and the academic advisor Dave Levin for making this course a reality.