Task management app to demo Nx onboarding.
There is an existing verify.yml
GitHub Action workflow that will run the following:
# Prettier check
pnpm format:check
# ESLint
pnpm lint
# Next.js
pnpm --filter "@tasker/web" build
# Vitest
pnpm --filter "@tasker/*" test
# Playwright
pnpm --filter "@tasker/e2e-web" e2e
Run this command to start:
npx nx@latest init
To enable CI features such as remote caching and distribution you can generate a new CI config file:
pnpm nx ci-workflow --ci github
You can use that newly generated file and remoe the old verify.yml
or keep the old one and just insert the following pieces:
Make sure you have this line. Use the generated CI config to see where it is located
- run: npx nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="5 linux-medium-js" --stop-agents-after="e2e-ci"
Replace the existing commands with the following:
pnpm exec nx affected -t lint test build e2e-ci