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The Basics of ADS B Decoding

amhirsch edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

This guide presents an overview of Mode-S message decoding. It is organized as a flowchart to understand what information can be extracted from each message. For a technical understanding of Mode-S messages, visit The 1090MHz Riddle.

Downlink Format

The 1090MHz Riddle Message Structure
pyModeS pyModeS.df(msg)

The downlink format indicates message the message type.

DF Type
0 Short air-air surveillance (ACAS)
1 - 3 Reserved
4 Surveillance, altitude reply
5 Surveillance, identify reply
6 - 10 Reserved
11 All-call reply
12-15 Reserved
16 Long air-air surveillance (ACAS)
17 Extended squitter
18 Extended squitter / non transponder
19 Military extended squitter
20 Comm-B, altitude reply
21 Comm-B, identify reply
22 Reserved for military use
23 Reserved
24 Reserved Comm-D (ELM)


The 1090MHz Riddle ICAO Address
pyModeS pyModeS.icao(msg)

All aircraft are assigned a unique twenty-four bit address. All messages originating from an aircraft will this to associate message data with the aircraft. The function pyModeS.is_icao_assigned(msg) verifies that the ICAO code embeded in a message falls within a range of assigned codes.

Cyclic Redundancy Check

The 1090MHz Riddle ADS-B Checksum
pyModeS pyModeS.crc(msg)

Mode-S messages use Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to verify data integrity. If the data is valid, the CRC remainder will be 0.

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