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This project provides a base Rails app with Material Theme theme. The app also comes with basic functionalities like User Sign-up and Log-in.

With a few steps, you can customize the app for your own needs.


Rails-Material-Screenshot-1 Rails-Material-Screenshot-2


Below is the environment I tested on:

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468) [x86_64-darwin17]

$ rails --version
Rails 5.2.3

By default, the app depends on postgres v9.6.

Database creation & initialization

bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Note: The user model is created with the Devise gem.

Running the app locally

export DATABASE_URL=postgres:https://<DB_USER>:<DB_PASS>@localhost:5432/rails-material-dev
export RAILS_ENV=development
bundle exec rails s

Visit the page: http:https://localhost:3000/

Gems already installed

  • Bootstrap
  • Devise
  • jquery
  • material-sass
  • bootstrap_form

Customize the app

  • Rename the app (search and replace hotpot with your app's name)
  • Tweak the front end for you needs


To contribute, follow the steps:

  • Fork this repo and clone to your local machine
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-awesome-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Implement blah')
  • Push to your branch (git push origin my-awesome-feature)
  • Create a new pull pequest (PR) with a brief description of what and why.
  • Get notified when your PR is merged!

Issues and pull requests are always welcome!