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easy Cerebral 2 boilerplates:

Some steps to get going with a cerebral 2 app.

0) pre-requirements

install node and yarn

clone this repo

git clone
cd cerebral2-boilerplates

1,2) easy way - run two scripts

create a new app with create-react-app


choose your cerebral project starting example

# tutorial (last step)

# todomvc

# cerebral-forms

# demo (firebase integration)

# universal

go to step 3

continue on step 3

Step by Step

create a new folder

rm -rf /tmp/new-app
mkdir -p /tmp/new-app
cp -Rv ./boilerplates/common-root/. /tmp/new-app/
cd /tmp/new-app

new git repository

git init

first commit

git add .
git commit -m"[initial] add commom root config boilerplate files"

add some packages

yarn add react react-dom
yarn add -D react-scripts standard
yarn add -E cerebral@beta @cerebral/router

git add .
git commit -m"[cerebral] add cerebral packages"

2) Choose an initial cerebral example

2.1) tutorial (last step)

go to folder

cd /tmp/new-app

add packages

yarn add -E js-logger @cerebral/http

git add .
git commit -m"[tutorial] add packages"

copy files

git clone --depth=1 /tmp/cerebral

rm -rf public
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/docs/tutorial/public public/
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/forms-demo/public/index.html public/index.html

rm -rf src
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/docs/tutorial/DO_NOT_TOUCH/11/src src/

git add .
git commit -m"[tutorial] add example files"

2.2) cerebral-forms

go to folder

cd /tmp/new-app

add packages

yarn add -E @cerebral/forms aphrodite

git add .
git commit -m"[cerebral-forms] add packages"

copy files

git clone --depth=1 /tmp/cerebral

rm -rf public
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/forms-demo/public public/

rm -rf src
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/forms-demo/src src/

git add .
git commit -m"[cerebral-forms] cerebral-forms demo"

2.3) demo (firebase example)

go to folder

cd /tmp/new-app

copy files

git clone --depth=1 /tmp/cerebral

cp /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/database.rules.json  database.rules.json
cp /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/firebase.json        firebase.json
cp /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/storage.rules        storage.rules

rm -rf public
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/public public/
rm -rf src
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/src src/

cp /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/demo/package.json         package.json
# remove line with @cerebral/monorepo devDependency
sed -i '/monorepo/d' ./package.json

add react-scripts

yarn add react-scripts

git add .
git commit -m"[demo] cerebral-forms demo"

2.4) todomvc

go to folder

cd /tmp/new-app

add packages

# add packages
yarn add classnames react react-dom todomvc-app-css todomvc-common uuid

git add .
git commit -m"[todomvc] add packages"

copy files

# copy files
if [ ! -d "/tmp/cerebral" ]; then
  git clone --depth=1 /tmp/cerebral

rm -rf public
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/todomvc/public public/

rm -rf src
cp -R /tmp/cerebral/packages/demos/todomvc/src src/

git add .
git commit -m"[todomvc] add example files"

3) Final Steps

test your app

yarn start

move your '/tmp/new-app' to your personal projects folder

mv /tmp/new-app ~/My-Projects/SOME_NEW_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME

edit package json

# in your porject's folder
yarn init

push to a remote repo

git remote set-url origin
git push
# git push -f # CAUTION: remember that --force is destructive


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