This respository provides code for our single shot detection method to detect traffic lights. Paper is accepted for ITSC2018. The code builds upon the official SSD-Caffe-Repository (see here It presents a prior box/anchor box adaptation to increase recall on small objects using SSD.
Following steps are recommended:
Download and build the original caffe-ssd repository according to their instructions.
Replace the original files by our modifications and build again.
The code can be used in two ways:
Use TL-SSD only to detect smaller objects with our adaptions in the prior box layer WITHOUT a subsequent state detection.
Use TL-SSD to detect smaller objects AND use the additional state prediction.
A possible usage of the MultiBoxLayer looks as follows:
layer {
name: "mbox_loss"
type: "MultiBoxLoss"
bottom: "mbox_loc"
bottom: "mbox_conf"
bottom: "mbox_priorbox"
bottom: "label"
top: "mbox_loss"
include {
phase: TRAIN
propagate_down: true
propagate_down: true
propagate_down: false
propagate_down: false
propagate_down: true
loss_param {
normalization: VALID
multibox_loss_param {
loc_loss_type: SMOOTH_L1
conf_loss_type: SOFTMAX
loc_weight: 1.0
num_classes: 2
share_location: true
match_type: PER_PREDICTION
overlap_threshold: 0.3
use_prior_for_matching: true
background_label_id: 0
use_difficult_gt: true
neg_pos_ratio: 3.0
neg_overlap: 0.5
code_type: CENTER_SIZE
ignore_cross_boundary_bbox: false
mining_type: MAX_NEGATIVE
do_state_prediction: false
Prior Box Adaptions in prototxt:
layer {
name: "inception_b4_concat_norm_mbox_priorbox"
type: "PriorBox"
bottom: "inception_b4_concat_norm"
bottom: "data"
top: "inception_b4_concat_norm_mbox_priorbox"
prior_box_param {
min_size: 7
min_size: 10
min_size: 15
min_size: 25
min_size: 35
min_size: 50
min_size: 70
aspect_ratio: 0.3
flip: false
clip: false
variance: 0.1
variance: 0.1
variance: 0.2
variance: 0.2
offset_w: 0.2
offset_w: 0.4
offset_w: 0.6
offset_w: 0.8
offset_h: 0.5
Offsets are "shiftings" of the prior box in the feature cell. offset_w in x direction, offset_h in y direction. Take a look into the code for detailed understanding. We modified further small things, which were hard-coded in the original implementation, such as one default prior box with aspect ratio of 1. Furthermore, we do not use the max_size parameters.
layer {
name: "mbox_loss"
type: "MultiBoxLoss"
bottom: "mbox_loc"
bottom: "mbox_conf"
bottom: "mbox_priorbox"
bottom: "label"
bottom: "mbox_state"
top: "mbox_loss"
include {
phase: TRAIN
propagate_down: true
propagate_down: true
propagate_down: false
propagate_down: false
propagate_down: true
loss_param {
normalization: VALID
multibox_loss_param {
loc_loss_type: SMOOTH_L1
conf_loss_type: SOFTMAX
loc_weight: 1.0
num_classes: 2
share_location: true
match_type: PER_PREDICTION
overlap_threshold: 0.3
use_prior_for_matching: true
background_label_id: 0
use_difficult_gt: true
neg_pos_ratio: 3.0
neg_overlap: 0.5
code_type: CENTER_SIZE
ignore_cross_boundary_bbox: false
mining_type: MAX_NEGATIVE
state_weight: 1.0
do_state_prediction: true
num_states: 6
background_state_id: 0
state_digit: 4
state_loss_type: LOGISTIC
Additional parameters compared to the original SSD are
- Set boolean for state prediction as true
do_state_prediction: true
- Specify the state weight b. Overall loss is calculated as L = L_conf + a * L_loc + b * L_state
state_weight: 1.0
- Specify the number of states. Please note that an additional background state is predicted as well. In other words, if your dataset contains the states red, yellow, green, you have to set the num_states to 3 + 1 = 4.
num_states: 6
- Specify the background state id. See explanations of 3.
background_state_id: 0
- Specify the state digit.
state_digit: 4
This refers to the way the labels are prepared. Original SSD used lmdb format created from lists of .jpg and .txt. The label files could look like the following when u use the DriveU Traffic Light Dataset (DTLD), which contain class labels consisting of 6 digits, whereas the 5th digit contains state information
class xmin xmax ymin ymax
112340 1073 234 1081 257
132340 1251 298 1256 318
112340 795 323 799 339
122310 1127 347 1129 350
The space digit parameter specifies, at which position of the class-id the state is encoded. Of course we could also have changed the complete data loading section the enhance the label format by an additional state value but this had caused way more implementation effort and changes in the SSD data structures. If you want to use another dataset only containing color information, you could do it like that
How to use modified prior box layer in caffe prototxt format:
class xmin xmax ymin ymax
1 1073 234 1081 257
2 1251 298 1256 318
3 795 323 799 339
where 1 = red, 2 = yellow and 3 = green with state_digit: 0. 6. Specify the state loss type. The available loss functions are equal to the confidence loss functions. However, we recommend the logistic loss.
state_loss_type: LOGISTIC
- Download the dataset
- Clone the dataset repository needed for dataset loading: (follow the instructions in the Readme)
cd test_on_dtld
python3 --predictionmap_file <tl_ssd_path>/test_on_dtld/prediction_map_ssd_states.json --confidence 0.2 --deploy_file <tl_sdd_path>/prototxt/deploy.prototxt --caffemodel_file <tl_sdd_path>caffemodel/SSD_DTLD_iter_90000.caffemodel --test_file <db_dir_path>/DTLD_test.yml
Do not forget to update the absolute caffe ssd path in before importing
Please note that caffe has to be compiled with python 3 to work. If you get any PyInit error while importing caffe this may be the issue. Try to change
set(python_version "2" CACHE STRING "Specify which Python version to use")
set(python_version "3" CACHE STRING "Specify which Python version to use")
in the CMakeLists.txt of the original SSD repository.