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A node.js Veramo agent example

An example implementation of a Veramo agent for managing DIDs and VCs using node.js.


You can easily create a new agent in direcotry veramo-agent in your current directory with:

git clone veramo-agent
cd veramo-agent
npm i --legacy-peer-deps

Copy template.env to .envand fill the required variables (how to connect to the blockchain). You will need to get a project ID from infura If testing use sepolia for NETWORK_NAME.

If you need to create another agent just clone to a different directory. Each agent databse is stored in its root directory. You can use the same .env variables for all the agents.

Scripts for Distributed Identifiers (did:ethr method)

  • npm run identifier:list List owned/stored identifiers
  • npm run identifier:create <alias>\nExample: npm run identifier:create <myAlias> Creates a new DID (did:ethr method) with alias <myAlias>
  • npm run identifier:add-service <didOrAlias> <serviceType> <serviceEndpoint> Add a service to one of the owned identifiers. Example npm run identifier:add-service myAlias Telegram @MyTelegramAccount. The Ethereum account owning the DID must have funds to add the service
  • npm run identifier:remove-service <didOrAlias> <serviceType> <serviceEndpoint> Remove a service for one of the owned identifiers. Example npm run identifier:remove-service myAlias Telegram @MyTelegramAccount. The Ethereum account owning the DID must have funds to add the service

Scripts for W3C Verifiable Credentials

  • npm run credential:create <issuerDidOrAlias> <SubjectDid> <claimName> <claimValue> Creates a new verifiable credentials issued by one of the owned identifiers (<issuerDidOrAlias>) to a DID (<SubjectDid>) holding claim <claimName> set to <claimValue>
  • npm run credential:verify <verifiableCredential> verifies a W3C verifiable credential. Example npm run credential:verify \'{"credentialSubject":{"claim":"student","id":"did:ethr:goerli:0x0369134c7f5fb6c994f0292afca9c8bb402e159bdc5d83cebc2d9283001a136095"},"issuer":{"id":"did:ethr:goerli:0x0259cd008d2f9f77dcfa1d1d2aee8843e306f35112246e9abae6d71b18dda0dbd3"},"type":["VerifiableCredential"],"@context":[""],"issuanceDate":"2023-10-11T10:24:52.000Z","proof":{"type":"JwtProof2020","jwt":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJ2YyI6eyJAY29udGV4dCI6WyJodHRwczovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAxOC9jcmVkZW50aWFscy92MSJdLCJ0eXBlIjpbIlZlcmlmaWFibGVDcmVkZW50aWFsIl0sImNyZWRlbnRpYWxTdWJqZWN0Ijp7ImNsYWltIjoic3R1ZGVudCJ9fSwic3ViIjoiZGlkOmV0aHI6Z29lcmxpOjB4MDM2OTEzNGM3ZjVmYjZjOTk0ZjAyOTJhZmNhOWM4YmI0MDJlMTU5YmRjNWQ4M2NlYmMyZDkyODMwMDFhMTM2MDk1IiwibmJmIjoxNjk3MDE5ODkyLCJpc3MiOiJkaWQ6ZXRocjpnb2VybGk6MHgwMjU5Y2QwMDhkMmY5Zjc3ZGNmYTFkMWQyYWVlODg0M2UzMDZmMzUxMTIyNDZlOWFiYWU2ZDcxYjE4ZGRhMGRiZDMifQ.Gc48upfl3Tzn_uOUMDzdfQrfQTutuXc3hCPPL1S75Ht36aOuHBh7nfk7fQN9CXwSrXBW2rxRi5061VsVUsqkIQ"}}\'
  • npm run credentials:import <verifiableCredential> Imports <verifiableCredential> to storage.
  • npm run credentials:list Lists stored verifiable credentials


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