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Brain Tumor Classifier


1. Intro to the problem

  • A Brain tumor is considered as one of the aggressive diseases, among children and adults. Brain tumors account for 85 to 90 percent of all primary Central Nervous system (CNS) tumors.

  • The 5-year survival rate for people with cancerous brain or CNS tumor is approximately 34% for men and 36% for women.

  • Brain tumors are classified as: Benign tumor, Malignant Tumor, Pituitary Tumor, etc. Proper treatment, planning, and accurate diagnostics should be implemented to improve the life expectanct of patients.

  • The best technique to detect brain tumors is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). A huge amount of image data is generated through the scans. These images are examined by radiologists. A manual examination can be error-prone due to the level of complexities involved in brain tumors and their properties.

  • A brain tumor is considered one of the most aggressive diseases, among children and adults. With manual examination, it can be error-prone due to the level of complexity. Hence, adding Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial intelligence (AI) has consistently shown higher accuracy than manual classification.

2. Users and Benefits

3. Potential Impact

Time and Cost Reduction in Healthcare: facilitates early detection of brain tumors and diagnosis, helps reduce patients' waiting time and save doctors from burn-out.

Assist doctors in treatment planning: produces sencond opinion in a time-ly manner can alert the doctors during the treatment planning process and speed uo workflow efficiency

Better performance Overall: When analyzing MRI, there must be a radiologist and a neurosurgeon on-site, hence, an automated system on Cloud can add a valuable second opinion in a timely manner

4. Data Source:

  • Dataset: Brain Tumor Classification MRI and MRI Image Data

  • Description: These 2 datasets contain over a total of 10,000 brain MRI images which are classified into 4 classes: no tumor, glioma, meningioma, and pituitary tumor.

Brain Tumor Classifier Project


This project aims to create and fine-tune different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using PyTorch, to find out which one performs the best.

How to Run:

  • Make sure you have PyTorch and necessary libraries installed.

  • Follow the steps outlined in the notebook, from data loading to model evaluation. After the first few tries, feel free to experiment different parameters.

Key Components:

  1. Data Loading and Preprocessing: During image processing, we'll resize and shuffle the dataset before training. Besides, we'll also experiment with data augmentation to strengthen the performance.
  2. CNN model Architecture:
  3. Training: Splitting training and testing dataset at 9:1 ratio and run through different number of epochs to test the efficiency.
  4. Evaluation Evaluate each model on the validation set.

Technologies Used:








Model Accuracy Results:

In this project, we experience 3 different models with increasing complexities to see how the accuracy is improved over time:

  • 1 layer of CNN (most basic)
  • 9 layers of CNN
  • Resnet34: a CNN architectures that is pre-trained on ImageNet Dataset containing 100,000+ images accross 200 different classes

The table below will display various accuracy achieved by diffrent models:

Type of Tumor Glioma Meningioma No tumor Pituitary
1-layer CNN 92% 80% 91% 91%
9-layer CNN 88% 90% 97% 93%
Resnet34 98% 89% 96% 97%


  • The future website/app is intended to classify MRI brain tumor into 4 clasess: no tumor, glioma, meningioma and pituitary.
  • This website/app should be used as an add-on and shouldn't be considered as professional diagnosis. The main advantage is to give a second opinion in a timely manner

Next Steps for Model Improvement

To further enhance the performance and capabilities as well as practicality of the CNN model, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Model refinement
  • Data input: The more data coming in, the better the model will be trained and learn different patterns of MRI. Currently, the model is being trained on a limited dataset, hence, the performance will somehow be limited
  • Hyperparameter tuning: higher epochs don't necessary guarantee better performance, looking into playing with batch sizes, learning rates, etc. might give better performance
  1. Implement Transfer Learning:
  • In this project, we touch base of Transfer Learning with Resnet34. Feel free to experience with other Resnet architectures such as Resnet18, Resnet50, etc.


Contact Method
Professional Email [email protected]
Project Link


Capstone Project - brainstation







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