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Filter records using a SCIM Query-inspired filter expression format.


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Record Filtering for apps built on Rails/ActiveRecord

Quickly implement record filtering in your APIs using a filter expression inspired by SCIM Query:

https://{some origin}/users?filter="first_name eq 'John' and last_name pr and 
  not (active eq false and (birth_date gt '1991-01-01' or birth_date eq null))"

TL;DR See sample usage for Rails here .


  • Transpilation of the filter expression into SQL
  • Whitelisting of allowed filter attributes
  • Column name aliasing / expose a different attribute name in the API
  • Pre-processing of filter values/literals
  • Type validation of filter values (e.g., date and datetime literals should be in standard ISO 8601 format)
  • Allows custom filter operators
  • Expression grouping
  • Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite
  • Supports Rails 6 and above

Field Filter Operators

Operator Description Example
eq Equal name eq 'John'
eq_ci Case-insensitive Equal name eq_ci 'joHn'
ne Not Equal name ne 'john'
co Contains name co 'oh'
sw Starts With name sw 'J'
pr Present (has value) name pr
gt Greater than age gt 42
ge Greater than or equal to price ge 19.80
lt Less than created_at lt '2023-03-01T08:09:00+07:00'
le Less than or equal to birthdate le '1985-05-01'

Logical Operators

Operator Description
and Logical "and"
or Logical "or"
not "Not" function

Grouping Operator

Operator Description
() Precedence grouping


Type Filter Definition Symbol Examples
Boolean :boolean true, false
Integer :integer 40012, 100, 0, -51
Decimal :decimal 4002.12, 0.05, -41.13
String :string 'foo bar'
Date (ISO format) :date '2024-12-31'
Timestamp (ISO format) :datetime '2023-03-01T01:09:01.000Z', '2023-03-01T09:09:00+09:00'
Null N/A null


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'filter_param'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install filter_param



1. Whitelist/define the filter fields

fitler_param = FilterParam.define do
                 field :first_name, type: :string
                 field :last_name, rename: "family_name"
                 field :birth_date, type: :date
                 field :member_since, type: :datetime
                 field :active, type: :boolean

This is is equivalent to:

filter_param =
                                      .field(:first_name, type: :string)
                                      .field(:last_name, rename: "family_name")
                                      .field(:birth_date, type: :date)
                                      .field(:member_since, type: :datetime)
                                      .field(:active, type: :boolean)

field method accepts the filter field name as the first argument. Any other configuration such as :type follows the name.

2. Filter records using a filter expression

The filter! method accepts an ActiveRecord_Relation and the filter expression string from your API's request parameter. This method then transpiles the filter expression into SQL and returns a new ActiveRecord_Relation with the SQL conditions applied.

rel = filter_param.filter!(User.all, "first_name eq 'John' and last_name pr and not (active eq false and (birth_date gt '1991-01-
01' or birth_date eq null))")

To see the SQL that will be executed in the ActiveRecord relation:

=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE (first_name = 'John' AND 
    (family_name IS NOT NULL AND TRIM(family_name) != '') AND 
      NOT (active = 0 AND (birth_date > '1991-01-01' OR birth_date IS NULL)))"


Class Description
FilterParam::UnknownField A filter field in the given filter expression is not whitelisted in the filter definition.
FilterParam::ParseError The given filter expression can't be parsed possibly due to malformed expression or syntax issue.
FilterParam::InvalidLiteral A filter field value in the given filter expression is invalie (e.g., date and datetime should be in ISO 8601 format)
FilterParam::ExpressionError Generic error caused by the given filter expression.
FilterParam::UnknownType Configured :type of a filter field in the definition is invalid.


  1. If testing/developing for MySQL or PG, create the database first:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE filter_param;
$ createdb filter_param
  1. After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.
  2. Run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Use the environment variables below to target the database

By default, SQLite and the latest stable Rails version are used in tests and console. Refer to the environment variables below to change this:

Environment Variable Values Example
DB_ADAPTER Default: :sqlite. sqlite,mysql2, or postgresql DB_ADAPTER=postgresql bundle exec rspec

DB_ADAPTER=postgresql ./bin/console
RAILS_VERSION Default: 7-1

RAILS_VERSION=6-0 ./bin/setup

RAILS_VERSION=6-0 bundle exec rspec

RAILS_VERSION=6-0 ./bin/console

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Filter records using a SCIM Query-inspired filter expression format.








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