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manish24864 edited this page Oct 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

Hackathon Journey: Unveiling the Lunar Secrets

Our journey into the NASA Space App Challenge commenced with a serendipitous introduction from a friend, a fellow enthusiast in the world of science and exploration, who had previously ventured into the 2022 NASA Hackathon. Intrigued by the possibilities, our team "Saumya Quake" decided to embark on a unique challenge: "Creating a Moonquake Map."

The challenge was nothing short of advanced, presenting us with the task of developing an app that would visualize seismic data collected by instruments left behind by NASA's Apollo mission. The goal was to craft an interactive 3-D digital moon globe for the public, showcasing this valuable geophysical data.

The importance of our project quickly became apparent. In an era where lunar exploration stands as a global focus, understanding moonquakes has become imperative. It impacts astronaut safety, the success of scientific missions, and offers a window into the enigmatic lunar geography.

Furthermore, our project might hold the key to a future resource: helium-3. This rare isotope has the potential to revolutionize nuclear fusion technology on Earth, and understanding lunar geology, including moonquake activity, could be instrumental in its extraction.

With our challenge set, our team divided into two groups: research and tech. Work was allocated, and the rigorous process of data collection and analysis unfolded. This journey was indeed a learning curve. Along the way, we tackled challenges, discovered novel insights, and honed our skills.

Our foray into the NASA Space App Challenge was not just about innovation; it was a voyage of exploration and knowledge, one that left us enriched with experience and a deeper understanding of lunar mysteries.

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