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📌 Static Site JC

Simple static website for React developers. Enhancing simple React apps by pre-rendering capabilities and other cool things!


  1. React
  2. Support HTML pre-rendering for each defined routes.
  3. Critical CSS pre-rendering with @emotion/css.
  4. SPA navigation feel without full page reload with @loadable/components
  5. Build with Webpack.
  6. SEO Support
  7. Markdown Support (MDX)

Development Insights

Insights while developing isomorphic Static Site with React.

CSS Modules

For using Node to pre-render React using renderToString or other related render functions, CSS Modules need to be processed by webpack with server config using exportOnlyLocals.

Work-around: Use @emotion for CSS-in-JS solution to provide styling and critical pre-rendering css at initial page load.

Can be extended to packages.