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Laravel-Vue SPA Coding Challenge



  • Laravel 8
  • Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + VueI18n + ESlint
  • Pages with dynamic import and custom layouts
  • Login, register, email verification and password reset
  • Authentication with JWT
  • Bootstrap 5 + Font Awesome 5
  • Laravel Sail integration


To create a note taking app using Laravel and VueJS and to create a page to get rates from the Stallion API.


You are going to use a pre-configured application to create a simple CRUD application. Laravel is used on the back-end Vuejs is used on the front end as a SPA.

Note: There is already JWT authentication implemented for the app.

TODO: The application should allow you to create, edit, and delete delete notes. Notes will be save to the database. Notes will have a title, content, and created_at displayed on the front end.

Part 1: Note Taking App

  1. Save the created notes in the database
  2. Create the necessary table with Laravel migrations
  3. Create all require restful routes to achieve the CRUD functionality
  4. Create required Front End components to access the API you created
  5. Authenticated user needs to be able to view all notes, create new notes, edit existing notes, and delete notes.
  6. Create phpunit tests for the new feature

Part 2: Shipment Rate API

  1. Create a page where a user can fill out a form to get rates for the United States using the Stallion API
  2. Display these rates to the user showing the cost information


Create a pull request on Github. Name the branch as {firstname}-{lastname}-submission.

Grading Scheme

  • Functionality: Out of 10
  • UX/Design: Out of 10
  • DB Design: Out of 5
  • Validation: Out of 10
  • Coding Style: Out of 10
  • Testing: Out of 5

Include front-end and back-end validation. Feel free to use your creativity and design skills to make the existing site design your own.


Copy ENV

cp .env.example .env

Use Docker container containing PHP and Composer to install the application's dependencies


docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Run Sail

./vendor/bin/sail up

Setup Application Keys

./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate 
./vendor/bin/sail artisan jwt:secret

Run Migrations

./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate 

Install Node Dependencies

./vendor/bin/sail npm install



./vendor/bin/sail npm run watch

View app at: http:https://localhost:3000


./vendor/bin/sail npm run build


# Run unit and feature tests
./vendor/bin/sail test




  • PHP 81.0%
  • Vue 17.3%
  • Blade 1.2%
  • Shell 0.5%