live demo:
Final Project for ACS-3909
This is a web application that allows users to post messages to a common message board. The web application satisfies the following requirements.
The application authenticates and authorizes users to view restricted pages.
There are two types of users for this web application: administrator and regular.
All users can post a string(140 characters or less) to the common message board.
- Each post consists of a username(of the user that posted the message), the message, and a timestamp giving the date and time the message was posted.
Regular users have access to the following restricted pages
Common message board page
- Contains an option to post a message
- Updates/displays all users' posts
User posts page
- Lists messages/posts only posted by the currently logged-in user
- Each post contains a button allowing the user to delete the post
Settings page
- Allows the user to specify whether the post should be listed newest to oldes or vice versa
- Another setting of my choice
- Settings must be persisted and saved using cookies
Administrators have access to the following restricted pages.
Common message board page
- Contains an option to post a message
- Updates/displays all users' posts
- Each message contains a button allowing the administrator to delete the post
Users page
- List all the current users
- Contains a button next to each user to delete the user
- Contains a button next to each user to disable/enable the ability for that user to post messages
Create Users page
- Allows the administrator to create a new user
The two user types(regular/administrator) have a menu on each page with liks to other restricted pages
- The menu contains a logout link
- Regular users are not able to access administrator pages