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Tired of hand writing your schema.yml to describe your database schema in Symfony? The sfSqlDesignerPlugin allows you to draw your schema tables using a drag and drop UI provided by wwwsqldesigner. Note: the plugin only supports Doctrine.


  • symfony 1.2.x
  • Doctrine 1.0.x

Main Features

  • Save database schema to schema.yml and sfSqlDesigner.xml
  • Load database schema from sfSqlDesigner.xml
  • TODO: Load database schema from schema.yml (issues to resolve: restore x/y position and comments)
  • TODO: Import schema from database as configured in databases.yml
  • TODO: Support all options of Doctrine syntax for schema.yml
    • Not supported yet: actAsI18n, actAsGeographical, actAsSluggable, actAsSearchable, actAsNestedSet
    • Not supported yet: inheritance
    • Not supported yet: indexes
    • Not supported yet: one to many and many to many relationships, delete cascade
  • TODO: Support translations of wwwsqldesigner for added UI elements
  • TODO: Add global schema information
  • TODO: Add link to sql designer in debug bar?
  • TODO: Add a button to call the doctrine build task to make sure the generated model is valid?
  • TODO: Support for Propel?
  • TODO: Support for symfony 1.3/1.4
  • TODO: Detect Doctrine version and support 1.2.x and 2.0


The plugin is available on github at


  • Cd in your Symfony project root directory

  • Fetch a copy of the plugin with: $> git clone git: plugins/sfSqlDesignerPlugin

  • Clear the cache: $> symfony cc

  • Ignore the following steps if you are upgrading:

    • Publish assets: $> symfony plugin:publish-assets
    • Double check the plugin is enabled in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php (should be as default in 1.2)
    • Open your app (or one of your app if you have several) config/settings.yml and add in the "dev:" section like this: dev: .settings: error_reporting: web_debug: on cache: off no_script_name: off etag: off enabled_modules: - sfSqlDesignerPlugin
  • Open your browser at https://url_of_your_app/yourapp_dev.php/wwwSqlDesigner


  • Open your browser at https://url_of_your_app/yourapp_dev.php/wwwSqlDesigner
  • Use the toolbox on the right of the screen to add tables/fields/keys...
  • When ready, use the save/load dialog to save to schema.yml
    • Note 1: the plugin will save to schema.yml in your doctrine config directory as well as the schema xml source in the file sfSqlDesignerPlugin.xml
    • Note 2: current version of the plugin does not support loading from schema.yml
    • Note 3: any manual change in schema.yml will be overwritten by the next save action in the designer
  • Next time you open the designer, the schema should automatically load from the sfSqlDesignerPlugin.xml file


  • To run the tests, enable the plugin module in the "test:" section of your app config/settings.yml
  • Then in the plugin directory execute: $> tests/sfSqlDesignerPluginFunctional.php yourapp $> tests/sfSqlDesignerPluginUnit.php


All contributions and suggestions are welcome.


SQL designer plugin for Symfony







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