code & terraform to power contact-me forms on
This service receives contact messages via HTTP POST and sends them to contact-message-queue
SQS queue.
This service will read messages off of the contact-message-queue
- If the IP/User Agent is blocked it will persist the
DynamooDB table with the flag "blocked=true" - If the IP/User Agent is not blocked it will forward messages to a
SQS queue.
Reads messages from the contact-notify
SQS queue and sends them to the configured email address.
(Not yet implemented)
Service provides several methods for contact administration
- block contact
- unblock contact
- list blocked contacts
- view all blocked messages
Queue for all messages from contact forms. Messages are sent to this queue from the contact-listener
These messages are then read by the contact-filter
service, which determines if contact senders ip address is blocked.
Queue for all messages which are not blocked. Forwards messages to the contact-notifier
service, which ultimately sends
the message to the configured email address.