This repository is to hold work done by Engineers Without Borders, Greater Austin Chapter, particularly for the instrumentation group.
We welcome questions and participation.
There is a directory for each project.
Note that much of the work here involves the schematics for the circuits that we are using, rather than just the Arduino code. We have not yet written up nice circuit diagrams but will be doing that if it becomes valuable enough.
We are builing a latrine for a local organic farm organization. The Instrumentation group in particular is prototyping a gas-sensor activated fan.
The photo is a sorry substitute for a schematic, but this circuit is in such a prototype form and is such a simple modification of work from the Arduino Experimenter's kit that it is not worth documenting more fully.
After a proper burn-in period I was able to get MQ2 and MQ6 gas sensors wroking. I previously had the "sense-and-react" code working with a pressure sensor, but now in theory we could make it work with the gas sensors.
Please see the project directory:
The team, or possibly just Anjan, has developed a soil moisture sensor.