Just Jump allows users to find their favorite foods at the right price point for them. The app is still a work in progress but currently has basic user functionality.
The application also has basic user-search statistics that will be a fragment of a larger algorithm tracking search data and providing suggestions to benefit the user.
Designed to provide ease of use on the client side, I aimed to re-factor the back-end as well to provide a better experience for the developer as well. There is still much re-factoring to be done, but those changes should be coming soon.
There were a lot of changes made near the end of the project's due time that should allow code to be cleaned up massively.
Yelp (Currently not in use until new features added) Use the 'pg' gem (PostgreSQL DB)
rake db:create
rake db:migrate Foundation Framework
Foundation icons
Carousels provided by https://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ Devise (For User Functionality)
Geocoder (For Location)
Faraday (For HTTP requests)
Kaminari (For Pagination)
Locu (For Menu Item & Restaurant Information)