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Tags: joshburt/clicraft



Toggle 0.0.11's commit message
Version 0.0.11

Note the first bullet point below, which may require manual intervention when

New in this version:

* Changed where clicraft searches for its configuration
** Uses $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clicraft/foo instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/foo
** Uses $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clicraft/default instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clicraft
** Reminder: substitute ~/.config if you don't use XDG_CONFIG_HOME
* Better option parsing supports -oArgument style short options
* Added options to `clicraft restart`
** broadcast a warning in chat for 15 seconds before restarting with --warn
** example restart script also has --if-empty, --if-crashed options
* Overhauled `clicraft edit`
** No longer ignores comments when installing new action scripts
** Uses example action scripts as templates
** Deletes a file if it's empty after deleting it
* Added `clicraft enable` and `clicraft disable` to manipulate example actions
* Fixed a bug -- serverprop() no longer returns an error if a property is null
* Fixed default BACKUP_TARGETS for example backup script
* Added example `clicraft cmd` script to make oft-used server commands easier


Toggle 0.0.10's commit message
Version 0.0.10

New in this version:

* Fleshed out regex db to include all vanilla command output
* Added -x|--xtrace, -c|--config options
* Added CLICRAFT_CONFIG environment variable
* Improved multiserver support via CLICRAFT_CONFIG and --config
* Fixed race condition in serverlog()
* Added example log4j config


Toggle 0.0.9's commit message
Version 0.0.9

New in this version:

Added multi-user support
* Implemented $XDG_CONFIG_DIR from XDG spec
Improved action scripts
* Fixed symlinked actions not showing up in `clicraft help`
* Better error handling in `clicraft dl`
* Fixed `clicraft edit` to search for both vinbt and commands
* Added `clicraft sync` example for syncing two servers
* Fixed `./bin/clicraft sh` not having the correct environment
* Fixed `clicraft pregen` failing when multiple players are logged in
* Added usage message to `clicraft blocks`
* Added clicraft-examples man page to document example action scripts
Improved functions
* Fixed a formatting bug in msg(), warn(), and err() functions
* Added str2var(), str2val() functions
Improved regex database
* Changed the format to use '^^' to signify a pattern to be replaced
* Exposed all entries as $RE_* variables
Changed some clicraft.conf settings
* Added curl's --fail flag to the default DOWNLOAD_COMMAND
* Fixed a bug where CMD_LSTRIP is ignored if set to an empty string
* Updated default SERVER_LOG option for Minecraft 1.7
Removed --with-c10t and --with-mmat options from ./configure
Removed awk dependency
Fixed clicraft returning 0 if SERVER_DIR can't be created
Changed lock file location from /tmp/clicraft.username to /tmp/clicraft.uid
Fix autoconf garbage in the example crontab
Lots of documentation improvements


Toggle 0.0.8's commit message
Version 0.0.8

New in this version:

* Removed *EXPERIMENTAL* warning label
* Fixed bug in locking implementation
* Added limited starmade and minecraft 1.7 support
* Changed and added some clicraft.conf options
** Changed DOWNLOAD_COMMAND to substitute %v with SERVER_VERSION
* Improved action scripts
** Added support for editing NBT files using vinbt in edit action
** Added better snapshot and release support in dl action
** Rewrote example backup and explore actions
** Added example blocks, pregen, prune, and sh actions
* Changed and added some functions
** Fixed bug in screen's multiplex_status() function
** Fixed list()
** New dimdir() and wickedwhich() functions
* Cleaned up code in various places


Toggle 0.0.7's commit message
Version 0.0.7

New in this version:

* TIMEOUT config option
* redb (RegEx DataBase) system for matching patterns to log messages
* Functions for use in action scripts:
** serverlog - Print the server log until a condition is reached
** pushtrap, poptrap - Manipulate clicraft's EXIT traps
** mklock, rmlock - Grab/release file locks to maintain state
** cmd - Run a command on the server
** kick, ban, pardon, list, save-off, save-on, save-all - Wraps server commands
** redb_{lookup,insert,update,delete} - Manipulate redb
* Example logrotate script
* Better support for usage messages in symlinked action scripts
* Improved backup script
* Arch Linux PKGBUILDs moved to aur-buce github repository

There are some things added in this release that I'm not satisfied with and
are likely to change. The TIMEOUT config option needs to be split out into
finer-grained settings. And the redb system is ugly and convoluted, and needs
to be replaced entirely.


Toggle 0.0.6's commit message
Version 0.0.6

New in this version:

* More robust handling of errors & edge cases (Thanks, Michael Daffin!)
* Better packaging (Thanks, Michael Daffin!)
* GNU screen support (Thanks, Joshua Burt!)
* Tons of new and better documentation
* Better Makefiles
* Example script is more robust
* `clicraft cmd` is more flexible in the arguments it accepts


Toggle 0.0.5's commit message
Version 0.0.5

New in this version:

* Two new actions: "dl" and "clicraft edit".
** Actions "init" and "update" removed,
   functionality merged into "dl"
* Two new functions sys_action() and local_action()
* Compatibility with RHEL 5/CentOS 5
* New Arch Linux PKGBUILDs
* vim ctags support with `make tags`
* Made `make distclean` cleaner
* Code cleanup, better error handling


Toggle 0.0.4's commit message
Version 0.0.4

Updated to use the standard `./configure; make; make install` invocation
for installation. More FHS compliant. Uses some GNU conventions.


Toggle 0.0.3's commit message
Version 0.0.3

Some minor bugfixes and a basic Makefile added in this version.


Toggle 0.0.2's commit message
Version 0.0.2

New in this version:
* BASH completion
* Example action scripts
* Better documentation