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exectoy is a speed-of-light benchmark for column-vector SQL execution.

It's based off of some ideas that we've been kicking around at Cockroach for a bit, as well as on ideas laid out in the MonetDB and MonetDB/X100 papers.

The idea is that you replace "processors" (row-by-row, CISC-y constructs that do a whole lot per row) with "operators" (column-by-column, RISC-y constructs that do extremely little).

For example, take the table and query:

CREATE TABLE t (n int, m int, o int, p int);

SELECT o FROM t WHERE m < n + 1;

Ordinarily, in the row-by-row model, the way this would be evaluated (sans indexes for the purposes of discussing just the execution flow) is via the following pseudocode:

    row =
    if filterExpr.Eval(row):
      // return a new row containing just column o
      returnedRow row
      for col in selectedCols:
      return returnedRow

where filter is an Expr that's evaluated by simple interpretation - i.e. walking the expression tree and evaluating all sub-trees until an answer is found. We do the projection on a row-by-row basis as well, returning just the column that was requested.

In the column-vector model, the way this would be evaluated is different. Instead of the data being organized by row, its organized by column - and by a batch of columns with a constant length. This toy currently uses 1024 for the length of the batch.

The execution flow then looks a bit different. Instead of having one processor that does the whole filtering and projection at once, we have 3 operators, each doing a column's worth of work at once:

// first create an n + 1 result, for all values in the n column
  batch = source.Next()

  for i < batch.n:
    outCol[i] = intCol[i] + constArg

  return batch

// then, compare the new column to the m column, putting the result into
// a selection vector: a list of the selected indexes in the column batch

  batch = source.Next()

  for i < batch.n:
    if int1Col < int2Col:

  return batch with selectionVector

// finally, we materialize the batch, returning actual rows to the user,
// containing just the columns requested:

  batch = source.Next()

  for s < batch.n:
    i = selectionVector[i]
    returnedRow row
    for col in selectedCols:
      yield returnedRow

You'll notice that there are some very specific sounding operators, like selectLTIntInt. The idea is that all of these operators would be automatically generated at compile time, for every possible combination of op (LT), type pair (int/int), and constant vs non-constant second argument (are we comparing against another col or a constant value). Then, the planner would have to choose a long pipeline of these simple operators that evaluates to the correct result, as opposed to just sending an Expr down the pipe for evaluation per-tuple.

This strategy has a lot of benefits. Read (Balancing Vectorized Query Execution with Bandwidth-Optimized Storage) and (MonetDB/X100: Hyper-pipelineing Query Execution) for more details, but here's the summary:

  1. avoid interpretation overhead of per-tuple function calls - don't need to Expr.Eval()
  2. for loops that are Go-native are extremely fast, can be code generated for every operator/type combination, and set up at plan time
  3. cache behavior is good - a column at a time processing lets you load a whole column chunk (a vector) into memory at once and process that in sequence

This repo contains some sample implementations of these little operators. It currently works only on integers and doesn't handle null values. It's super fast, as you'd expect because it does so little:

BenchmarkFilterIntLessThanConstOperator-8                1000000              1289 ns/op        25417.53 MB/s
BenchmarkProjPlusIntIntConst-8                           2000000               661 ns/op        49501.89 MB/s
BenchmarkProjPlusIntInt-8                                2000000               906 ns/op        36161.29 MB/s
BenchmarkRenderChain-8                                   1000000              1773 ns/op        18477.98 MB/s
BenchmarkSelectIntPlusConstLTInt-8                       1000000              1981 ns/op        16536.48 MB/s
BenchmarkSortedDistinct-8                                 300000              4005 ns/op        8181.68 MB/s

All benchmarks are on 4 columns, which makes the numbers look better than they are - since every operator only operates on one or two columns, you get the rest of the columns "for free" in your benchmark, since nobody touches their data.

Also included are two hard-coded row-oriented benchmarks that do the same thing as BenchmarkSelectIntPlusConstLTInt:

BenchmarkRowBasedFilterIntLessThanConst-8               200000000                7.85 ns/op     4075.18 MB/s
BenchmarkRowBatchBasedFilterIntLessThanConst-8            300000              4394 ns/op        7456.14 MB/s

Even though it's hard coded, the row-based model can't compare in throughput to the equivalent column vector model, even when batched, clocking in at between 2 and 3 times as slow depending on what computer I run the benchmarks on.

A complete proof of concept for this needs a few more things:

  1. more than just 1 datatype. Maybe 1 more fixed-size datatype and then a varlen datatype like string.
  2. null handling. this will probably be a bitmap and a count, but i'm not sure how it will work and whether another set of operators will be required to optimize the non-null case.
  3. an escape hatch for row-based operators. we'll need to build in a way for operators to get a row-based computation model if they need one.
  4. an escape hatch for builtin functions.
  5. a binary relational operator. maybe hash join or just cartesian product.


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