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This is the code that runs my website,

In theory this is usable by others now 🚀

Set up the database, this software needs PostgreSQL, after installing:

$ createdb -E utf8 db_name

First get the code, and make sure you’re on the master branch. This branch will only have tagged releases:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ git checkout master

Then we need to set up the environment variables that the app will use.

$ cp .env.example .env
$ vim .env

Fill in the various variables. Then we can set up the app:

$ composer install
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan migrate

Now we need to edit some config values. In config/app.php edit name.

Some other things that should be changed. Go to resources/views/master.blade.php, you may not want to link to a projects page. Also in the <head> the two last links are to my profile pic and pgp key, ammend/remove as desired.

Now point your server to public/index.php et viola. Essentially this is a Laravel app so debugging things shouldn’t be too hard.