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# VBA-Benchmark

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A one-class module to conveniently profile your code. Reports automatically. Includes a convinience method to use instead of Application.Wait.


  • Accuracy to nanoseconds
  • No delay of console logging/using Debug.Print
  • Convenient to use
  • Profile code which is spread out over multiple functions or modules
  • Up to 256 different tracks

How to use

  • Copy paste all code into a class module named cBenchmark
  • Create an instance of it at the start of your own code (fe Dim bm As New cBenchmark)
  • Or declare class instance as global to time multi-module code (write Set bm = New cBenchmark at start of code)
  • Write bm.TrackByName "Description of codepart" in between all of your code
  • Open Immediate window and run you're code
  • When you're code finishes, the report is printed automatically
  • Or, when instance is declared global, write Set bm = Nothing before last End Sub
  • The report will show each identically used name, the time it took and the time percentage of each track


Sub testCBenchmark()
    Dim bm As New cBenchmark
    Dim i As Long
bm.TrackByName "Initialisations"

    bm.Sleep 0.05    'wait 50 milliseconds/simulating code running
bm.TrackByName "Slept"

    For i = 1 To 1000000
        i = i * 1
    Next i
bm.TrackByName "Finished loop"

    bm.Sleep 0.05    'wait 50 milliseconds/simulating code running
bm.TrackByName "Slept"

    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
bm.TrackByName "Waited"
End Sub


IDnr  Name             Count  Sum of tics  Percentage  Time sum
0     Initialisations      1          191       0,01%     19 us
1     Slept                2    1.005.608      26,95%    101 ms
2     Finished loop        1       79.548       2,13%   7,95 ms
3     Waited               1    2.646.483      70,92%    265 ms
      TOTAL                5    3.731.830     100,00%    373 ms

Total time recorded:             373 ms

How it works

Everytime TrackByName is called a 'CPU-timestamp' is stored. After you're code finishes, stamps are grouped and written to a report.

Public functions overview

Category Method Name Description
Main TrackByName Same as @TrackByTheID but more convenient (and thus with a bit more overhead)
Main TrackByTheID Store QPC (cycle counts) in an array
Main Start (Start) or (Reset and Restart) benchmark
Main Pause Convenience method to exclude pieces of code, use in combination with .Continue
Main Continue Use after calling .Pause to continue tracking
Main Report Generate report
Main Sleep timeout code, alternative for Application.Wait
Main Wait same as method Sleep

Private functions overview

Category Method Name Description
Class Class_Initialize initialise varialbes and set first stamp
Class Class_Terminate calculates and writes report to debug
Bench helpers Reset reset/re-initialise all variables
Bench helpers RedimStampArrays enlarge stamp arrays
Bench helpers ReportArg calculate and write report
Report Helpers OverheadPerTrackCall overhead of QPC including TrackBy-methods
Report Helpers OverheadPerQPCcall overhead of only the QPC function
Report Helpers Precision returns maximum precision of this class in seconds
Report Helpers ticsToCollectionsInDictionaryPerID group stamps from global stamparray into seperate (per tracked ID) collections
Report Helpers stampsToTics_fromArrays retrieve tics from arrays and return difference
Report Helpers stampsToTics returns difference between to stamps
Report Helpers ticsToSeconds convert qpc-tics to seconds
Report Helpers secondsProperString convert seconds to appropriate readable text
General Helpers Min minimum of two double-values
General Helpers Max maximum of two double-values
General Helpers MedianOfFirst_x_Elements median of a part of a collection
General Helpers QuickSortArray quick sort an array
General Helpers RIGHT_AfterLastCharsOf last part of string
General Helpers Array2DToImmediate print array to console
General Helpers Transpose2DArray flip 2D-array 90 degrees


  • This should be the fastest and most accurate possible way to time VBA code, as in, with as little overhead as possible.
  • When the code is running, the only thing this class does is storing the timestamps. Any processing is delayed untill after code finished running.
  • The only better method then using the QueryPerformanceCounter would be to read the TSC directly with RDTSC, which requires a custom made .dll - and a bit more complexity.
  • Using a UDT instead of Currency or LongLong as a datatype of the QPC function might be faster then returning a LongLong or Currency, but storing/handling that returnvalue in VBA is far from faster then just a LongLong or Currency value. Probably because VBA needs to store two seperate values (lowpart and highpart), instead of just a big one. As LongLong is only available on 64-bit systems and there seemed to be no differnce in speeds whatsoever (between these two datatypes), Currency is the best option.
