The new home of Slapper, the NPC plugin for PocketMine-MP.
This plugin is designed for PocketMine-MP only and we do not support any other variations, forks or spoons. Compatibility with unofficial variants can occasionally be found, but do not expect support if you are using anything other than PocketMine-MP.
Official addons:
- /slapper [args...]
- /rca - Run command as another player! This can be used to only run the command if the player has permission.
- help: /slapper help
- spawn: /slapper spawn [name]
- edit: /slapper edit [id] [args...]
- id: /slapper id
- remove: /slapper remove [id]
- version: /slapper version
- cancel: /slapper cancel
- updateall: /slapper updateall
- helmet: /slapper edit helmet
- chestplate: /slapper edit
- leggings: /slapper edit leggings
- boots: /slapper edit boots
- skin: /slapper edit skin
- name: /slapper edit name
- addcommand: /slapper edit addcommand
- delcommand: /slapper edit delcommand
- listcommands: /slapper edit listcommands
- update: /slapper edit update
- block: /slapper edit block
- tphere: /slapper edit tphere
- tpto: /slapper edit tpto
- menuname: /slapper edit menuname <name/remove>
helmet: helm, helmet, head, hat, cap chestplate: chest, shirt, chestplate leggings: pants, legs, leggings boots: feet, boots, shoes item: hand, item, holding, arm, held skin: setskin, changeskin, editskin, skin name: name, customname menuname: listname, nameonlist, menuname namevisible: namevisible, customnamevisible, tagvisible, name_visible, custom_name_visible, tag_visible addcommand: addc, adduced, add command delcommand: delc, delcmd, delcommand, remove command listcommands: listcommands, listcmds, listcs fix: update, fix, migrate block: block, tile, blockid, tileid tphere: teleporthere, tphere, movehere, bringer tpto: teleportto, tpto, goto, teleport, tp