Spectacle allows you to easily organize your windows without using a mouse.
Spectacle has been built, and designed, for Mac OS X 10.6 or later.
Those building the standalone application only need [ZeroKit] 2, which can be pulled down as a submodule with the following commands:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
If everything is in its proper place the build should succeed.
Please, contact me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or problems. I try to make the time to answer every request.
Those wishing to contribute to the project should begin by obtaining the latest source with Git. The project is hosted on GitHub, making it easy for anyone to make contributions. Simply create a fork and make your changes.
Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Czarny.
Spectacle should be accompanied by a LICENSE file containing the license relevant to this distribution.
If no LICENSE exists please contact Eric Czarny [email protected].