- Full Stack generalist (with more of a FE specialist lean, lately)
- Data nerd
- Mechanical Product Designer
- Frontend Engineer @ Canva (where I have a separate gh account). Working on our charts product!
- Cofounder and Tech Lead of Pug Sports, where we're architecting a better way to book, host, and play pickup games.
For now, I plan to continue doing what I'm doing, because I'm having a blast. Nonetheless, I love connecting and always enjoy learning new things. Please reach out on LinkedIn if you're interested in chatting or working together in some way.
- LinkedIn 💼
- Pug - We're entering Alpha testing; link to landing page for Beta coming soon. ⚽️
- learn-tamagui github (Paused) 🧠
- cleanStay (Paused) Private Repo 🧼
- FitBook (student project) 💪
- Atelier Front-End (student project) 🛍️
- Atelier Overview API (student project) 🛍️