Lists (18)
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A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Node.js to build reliable crawlers. In JavaScript and TypeScript. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, an…
Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
High performance Node.js webserver with a simple-to-use API powered by uWebsockets.js under the hood.
支持word(.docx)、excel(.xlsx,.xls)、pdf、pptx等各类型office文件预览的vue组件集合,提供一站式office文件预览方案,支持vue2和3,也支持React等非Vue框架。Web-based pdf, excel, word, pptx preview library
A logger for just about everything.
MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好…
A light-weight module that brings the Fetch API to Node.js
Monaco Editor for React.
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
🔥🔥🔥Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。(
Umo Editor is an open-source document editor, based on Vue3 and Tiptap.
A one-stop, open-source, high-quality data extraction tool, supports PDF/webpage/e-book extraction.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,支持PDF/网页/多格式电子书提取。