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+>, +>>, x>>, =>>: Auto-transducifying, auto-parallelizing path thread macros


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injest: +> +>> x>> =>>

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Clojure's threading macros (the -> and ->> thrushes) are great for navigating into data and transforming sequences. injest's path thread macros +> and +>> are just like -> and ->> but with expanded path navigating abilities similar to get-in.

Transducers are great for performing sequence transformations efficiently. x>> combines the efficiency of transducers with the better ergonomics of +>>. Thread performance can be further extended by automatically parallelizing work with =>>.

injest macros achieve this by scanning forms for transducers and comping them together into a function that either sequences or parallel folds the values flowing in the thread through the transducers.

Getting Started


Place the following in the :deps map of your deps.edn file:

  net.clojars.john/injest {:mvn/version "0.1.0-beta.8"}


Make clj-kondo/Clojure-LSP aware of injest by adding "net.clojars.john/injest" to the :config-paths vector of your .clj-kondo/config.edn file:

{:config-paths ["net.clojars.john/injest"]}

This will automatically import injest's lint definitions in Calva and other IDE's that leverage clj-kondo and/or Clojure-LSP.


To try it in a repl right now with criterium and net.cgrand.xforms, drop this in your shell:

clj -Sdeps \
      {net.clojars.john/injest {:mvn/version "0.1.0-beta.8"}
       criterium/criterium {:mvn/version "0.4.6"}
       net.cgrand/xforms {:mvn/version "0.19.2"}}}'


Then require the injest macros in your project:

(ns ...
  (:require [injest.path :refer [+> +>> x>> =>>]]

To just use x>> or =>> with the classical thread behavior, without the additional path thread semantics, you can require in the injest.classical namespace instead of the injest.path namespace:

(ns ...
  (:require [injest.classical :refer [x>> =>>]]

Having these two :require options allows individuals and organizations to adopt a la carte these orthogonal value propositions of improved performance and improved navigation.

Path Threads

injest.path allows for more intuitive path navigation, like you're used to with the (-> m :a :b :c) idiom. We refer to these as path threads.

Ergonomically, path threads provide a semantic superset of the behaviors found in -> and ->>. In other words, there is generally nothing you can do with -> that you can't do with +>. All the thread macros in injest.path have these path thread semantics.

As a replacement for get-in, get and nth

In path threads, naked integers and strings become lookups on the value being passed in, making those tokens useful again in threads. You can index into sequences with integers, like you would with nth, and replace get/get-in for most cases involving access in heterogeneous map nestings:

(let [m {1 (rest ['ignore0 0 1 {"b" [0 1 {:c :res}]}])}]
  (+> m 1 2 "b" 2 :c name)) ;=> "res"

Here, we're looking up 1 in the map, then getting the third element of the sequence returned, then looking up "b" in the returned map, then getting the third element of the returned vector, then looking up :c in the returned map, and then finally calling name on the returned keyword value.

In the above form, you could replace +> with either +>>, x>> or =>>, and you will still get the same result. +>> is simply the thread-last version of +> and x>> and =>> are transducing and parallel versions of +>>.

Lambda wrapping

Path threads allow you to thread values through anonymous functions, like #(- 10 % 1) or (fn [x] (- 10 x 1)), without having to wrap them in an extra enclosing set of parenthesis:

(x> 10 range rest 2 #(- 10 % 1)) ;=> 6

Or, extending our prior example:

(let [m {1 (rest ['ignore0 0 1 {"b" [0 1 {:c :bob}]}])}]
  (x>> m 1 2 "b" 2 :c name #(println "hi " % "!"))) ;=> "hi bob!"

This has the added benefit of conveying to the reader that the author intends for the anonymous function to only take one parameter. In the classical thread syntax, the reader would have to scan all the way to the end of (#(... in order to know if an extra parameter is being passed in. This also prevents people from creating unmaintainable abstractions involving the threading of values into a literal lambda definition - a common source of errors.

Backwards compatability

+> and +>> have the same laziness semantics as -> and ->>. So, if you find yourself wanting to migrate a path thread away from a transducer/parallel context, back to the more lazy semantics, but you want to keep the path navigation semantics, you can simply replace the x>> or =>> macros with the +>> macro we required in above. Path navigating will continue to work:

(let [m {1 (rest ['ignore0 0 1 {"b" [0 1 {:c :bob}]}])}]
  (+>> m 1 2 "b" 2 :c name #(println "hi " % "!"))) ;=> "hi bob!"

You can also just use +> and +>> on their own, without the transducifying macros, if you only want the more convenient ergonomics.

As stated above, you can also require x>> and =>> in from injest.classical and, in the event you want to revert back to ->>, you will be able to do that knowing that no one has added any path thread semantics to the thread that would also need to be converted to the classical syntax.

x>> Auto Transducification

Why? Well, for one, speed. Observe:

(->> (range 10000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
    ;;  (mapv dec)
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)


"Elapsed time: 8275.319295 msecs"


(x>> (range 10000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
    ;;  (mapv dec)
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)


"Elapsed time: 2913.851103 msecs"

Two to three times the speed with basically the same code. The more transducers you can get lined up contiguously, the less boxing you’ll have in your thread.

Note: These times reflect the execution environment provided by Github's browser-based vscode runtime. My local box performs much better and yours likely will too.

Let’s uncomment the (mapv dec) that is currently commented out in both the threads above. Because mapv is not a transducer, items get boxed halfway through our thread. As a result our performance degrades slightly for x>>.

First, let's see it with ->>:

(->> (range 10000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
     (mapv dec)
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)
"Elapsed time: 6947.00928 msecs"

Hmm, ->> actually goes faster now, perhaps due to mapv removing some laziness. The more lazy semantics are less predictable in that way.

But now, for x>>:

(x>> (range 10000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
     (mapv dec)
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)
"Elapsed time: 3706.701192 msecs"

So we lost some speed due to the boxing, but we’re still doing a worthy bit better than the default thread macro. So keep in mind, if you want to maximize performance, try to align your transducers contiguously.

Note: In addition to improved speed, transducers also provide improved memory efficiency over finite sequences. So x>> may lower your memory usage as well.

Available Transducers

These are the core functions that are available to use as transducers in a x>> thread-last:
take-nth, disj!, dissoc!, distinct, keep-indexed, random-sample, map-indexed, map, replace, drop, remove, cat, partition-all, interpose, mapcat, dedupe, drop-while, partition-by, take-while, take, keep, filter, halt-when

=>> Auto Parallelization

injest provides a parallel version of x>> as well. =>> leverages Clojure's parallel fold reducer in order to execute stateless transducers over a Fork/Join pool. Remaining stateful transducers are comped and threaded just like x>>.

It doesn't work well for small workloads though, so for demonstration purposes let's augment our above threads:

(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])

(defn work-1000 [work-fn]
  (range (last (repeatedly 1000 work-fn))))

(defn ->>work [input]
   (fn []
     (->> input
          (map inc)
          (filter odd?)
          (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
          (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
          (map (partial apply +))
          (map (partial + 10))
          (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
          (map :temp-value)
          (filter even?)
          (apply +)
          (take 3)
          (apply str)

(defn x>>work [input]
   (fn []
     (x>> input
          (map inc)
          (filter odd?)
          (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
          (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
          (map (partial apply +))
          (map (partial + 10))
          (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
          (map :temp-value)
          (filter even?)
          (apply +)
          (take 3)
          (apply str)

Same deal as before but we're just doing a little extra work in our thread, repeating it a thousand times and then preparing the results for handoff to the next stage of execution.

Now let's run the classical ->> macro:

(->> (range 100)
     (repeat 10)
     (map ->>work)
     (map ->>work)
     (map ->>work)
     (map ->>work)
     (map ->>work)
     (map ->>work)
; "Elapsed time: 18309.397391 msecs"
;=> 234

Just over 18 seconds. Now let's try the x>> version:

(x>> (range 100)
     (repeat 10)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
; "Elapsed time: 6252.224178 msecs"
;=> 234

Just over 6 seconds. Much better. Now let's try the parallel =>> version:

(=>> (range 100)
     (repeat 10)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
     (map x>>work)
; "Elapsed time: 3142.75057 msecs"
;=> 234

Just over 3 seconds. Much, much better!

Again, in local dev your times may look a bit different. On my Macbook Pro here, those times are 11812.604504, 5096.267348 and 933.940569 msecs. So, in other words, =>> can sometimes be 5 times faster than x>> and 10 times faster than ->>, depending on the shape of your workloads and the number of cores you have available.

There is also a parallel thread macro (|>>) that uses core.async/pipeline for parallelization. It's still available for folks interested in improving it, but is not recomended for general use. =>> performs better in most cases. A soon-to-be-updated analysis ( compares the differences between |>> and =>>.

Available Parallel Transducers

These are the core functions that are available to use as parallel transducers in a =>> thread-last:
dedupe, disj!, dissoc!, filter, keep, map, random-sample, remove, replace, take-while, halt-when, mapcat, cat


In Clojurescript we don't yet have parallel thread macro implementations but for x>> the performance gains are even more pronounced than in Clojure. On my macbook pro, with an initial value of (range 1000000) in the above thread from our first example, the default threading macro ->> produces:

(->> (range 1000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)
"Elapsed time: 3523.186678 msecs"

While the x>> version produces:

(x>> (range 1000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (apply +)
"Elapsed time: 574.145888 msecs"

That's a six times speedup!

Perhaps that speedup would not be so large if we tested both versions in advanced compile mode. Then the difference in speed might come closer to the Clojure version. In any case, this is some very low-hanging performance fruit.

Extending injest

The injest.state namespaces provides the reg-xf! and reg-pxf! macros that can take one or more transducers. Only stateless transducers (or, more precisely, transducers that can be used safely within a parallel fold or pipeline context) should be registered with reg-pxf!. injest's thread macros will then include those functions when deciding which forms should be treated as transducers. You should only need to call reg-xf! in one of your initially loaded namesapces.

(require '[injest.state :as i.s])
(require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])

(i.s/reg-xf! x/reduce)

(x>> (range 10000000)
     (map inc)
     (filter odd?)
     (mapcat #(do [% (dec %)]))
     (partition-by #(= 0 (mod % 5)))
     (map (partial apply +))
     (map (partial + 10))
     (map #(do {:temp-value %}))
     (map :temp-value)
     (filter even?)
     (x/reduce +)

Even better!

"Elapsed time: 2889.771067 msecs"

In Clojurescript, you can add another Clojure (*.clj) namespace to your project and register there with the regxf! function and explicitly namespaced symbols.

(i.s/regxf! 'my.cljs.xforms.library/sliding-window)

Or, if a transducer library like net.cgrand.xforms exports the same namespaces and names for both Clojure and Clojurescript, you can just (i.s/reg-xf! x/reduce) in a Clojure namespace in your project and then it will be available to the x>>/=>> threads in both your Clojure and Clojurescript namespaces.

Reporting Instrumentation

You can optionally instrument the x>> and =>> macros for profiling code in a deployed runtime environment like so:

(ns ...
   [ :as r]
   [ :as injest :refer [+> +>> x>> =>>]]))

Then in some core namespace, just register a report handler and then turn it on:

(r/add-report-tap! println 60) ;; <- or tap>, log/info, etc
(r/report! true)

If you don't provide add-report-tap! a second seconds parameter it will default to 10 seconds. The above expressions will handle reporting events with the println function, called once every 60 seconds.

Then, in any namespace, be sure to require the macros from the namespace:

(ns ...
   [ :as injest :refer [+> +>> x>> =>>]]))

Then you can use x>> and =>> like you normally would, but you will see a report on all instances in the repl:

{:namespace "injest.test"
 :line 15
 :column 5
 :x>> "x>> is 1.08 times faster than =>>"
 :=>> "=>> is 2.67 times faster than +>>"}

{:namespace "injest.test"
 :line 38
 :column 3
 :+>> "+>> is 2.5 times faster than x>>"}

{:namespace "injest.test"
 :line 44
 :column 5
 :=>> "=>> is 1.9 times faster than x>>"
 :x>> "x>> is 1.4 times faster than +>>"}

As you can see, the first line of a given report result is the namespace, along with ?line= and the line number and &col= and the column number. For the x>> variant, only x>> and +>> are compared. When =>> is used, all three of =>>, x>> and +>> are compared.

This allows you to leverage the instrumented versions of the macros in order to assess which one is most appropriate for the runtime load in your actually running application.


It should be noted as well:

  • Because transducers have different laziness semantics, you can't be as liberal with your consumption, so test on live data before using this as a drop-in replacement for the default thread macros.

If you have any problems, feature requests or ideas, feel free to drop a note in the issues or discuss it in the clojureverse thread.


Some other perfomance-related investigations you may be interested in:

Inspiration for the lambda wrapping came from this ask.clojure request: should-the-threading-macros-handle-lambdas

Inspiration for the fold implementation of =>> came from reborg/parallel's p/transduce

Get Involved

Want to implement the somex>> macro? Just copy how I did it and feel free to submit a PR. If you see a difficiency, file an issue here or swing by and join the discussion on the zulip channel.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.