Some utilities I've made along the way, resourceful to me, but maybe for somebody else too, hopefully.
An easy and fast to develop in language that's proven to be very useful, specially because of it's libraries.
-, it does as it says, given ascii codes it returns a text, and viceversa.
-, prints all of the folders, with the option for recursiveness, into a txt as a sort of snapshot of a given folder
-, utility functions to ease the pain of CSS specificity.
-, utility to sort by date public github repos from a user.
-, utility to transform a postman collection to a markdown doc.
-, CLI script to get words from a pdf and retrieve (total words and read time).
-, Utility to simulate mouse movement activity (multi-platform).
The language by default for user interacion in the web.
- specificity.js, the same python utility, but in javascript
- find-unsubscribe-button.js, not perfect, but it helps ease the pain of finding and clicking the unsuscribe button
- github-repos-urls.js, just a quick utily to get the repository links of a quick filter search
- youtube-playlist-total-watch-time.js, sums up the total watch time for a given YouTube (watch/play)list
- get-trello-checklist-links.js, gets all the links from trello checklists in an open card
- get-article-details-medium-profile.js, gets article details from a medium profile
- 2048-solver.js, 2048 solver, mainly made for the 8x8 grid
Compiled language developed by Google that's simple and resourceful
- None at the moment