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DIMO Identity


How to run

You can execute the following commands to build the project and run additional scripts:

# Installs dependencies
npm i

# Clears cache, compiles contracts, generates typechain files and NFT ABIs
npm run build

# Outputs contract sizes
npm run contract-sizer

# Commands to check and fix linting errors in typescript and solidity files
npm run lint
npm run lint:ts
npm run lint:ts:fix
npm run lint:sol
npm run lint:sol:fix

You can deploy the whole system running the following script, where network_name is one of the networks available in hardhat.config.ts. Deployed contract addresses will be written in scripts/data/addresses.json:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network '<network_name>'

You can more easily add/remove/update modules and update NFTs using the following script. Just make sure to update the main function accordingly:

npx hardhat run scripts/deployModule.ts --network '<network_name>'

You can also verify contracts in etherscan/polygonscan/etc running the following command. Remove <constructor_arguments> if there isn't any.

npx hardhat verify '<deployed_contract_address>' '<constructor_arguments>' --network '<network_name>'

# Use this flag to specify the contract implementation if needed
npx hardhat verify '<deployed_contract_address>' '<constructor_arguments>' --network '<network_name>' --contract '<contract_path>:<contract_name>'


The test suite is organized in different files according to the contract name <ContractName>.test.ts. Each file groups the tests by function name, covering, respectively, reverts, state modification and events. You can run the test suite with the following commands:

# Runs test suite
npm run test

# Runs solidity coverage
npm run coverage

ABI generator

The DIMO identity architecture uses the DIMORegistry contract as an entry point to any module of the system. To interact with DIMO identity, then, a massive ABI containing all available functions is needed. You can generated this ABI running the follwing command:

npx hardhat run scripts/abiGenerator.ts

The output file will be saved in ./abis/DimoRegistry.json.


To regenerate the Go bindings for, e.g., the devices API, you would run

abigen --abi abis/DimoRegistry.json --out registry.go --pkg contracts --type Registry

and copy over that file.


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  • TypeScript 73.5%
  • Solidity 26.5%