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This is a system for allowing the creation and use of URLs that contain a token that allows a site visitor, even an anonymous visitor, access to pages that might not normally be allowed to visit.

For example, say you have a report page at /report/ that normally requires the permission 'reporting.view_report' to view. However, you'd like to be able to send emails to some friends to allow them to view this page without needing an account.

Viewpass is:

  • a utility to craft URLs with embedded, cryptographically-signed information about a permission
  • a Django middleware that intercepts URLs with these kind of URLs, and stores information about that permission onto the user object.


Add 'viewpass' to the INSTALLED_APPS:

    # ...

Add it to the middleware classes: This need to be after the Authentication Middleware (since we need a user!). A good arrangement could be:




Generating Viewpass URLs

You can generate the proper URL for them by using the method util.get_viewpass_url, like:

get_viewpass_url('/report/', 'reporting.view_report')

This URL will look like /report/?viewpass=STRING1:STRING2 and visitors can use this URL to visit the /report/ page.

The STRING1 and STRING2 are encoded versions of the timestamp/path/permission-to-grant and a signed copy of the path/permission-to-grant, respectively. This prevents any tampering by users trying to re-use a viewpass URL to view another page or to change the permission granted. (The timestamp is not used but can be used to create time-limited URLs; you can edit the signing.loads() call in viewpass.middleware.ViewPassMiddleware to add a max_age=<num_seconds> parameter).

As a convenience, you can also use the template tag to generate the proper URL. On the template that is used by /report/, you can include:

{% load viewpass_tags %}
<a href="{% viewpass_url 'reporting.view_report' %}">Get public URL</a>

This will show a link with the viewpass URL on it.


Viewpass is written and maintained by Joel Burton <[email protected]>.