I'm doing a project that involves analyzing many pcap's using the great Bro IDS with aid of ElasticSearch
- BRO does not have any programmable interface that i can make use of.
- all output from Bro is saved to files. ex:"conn.log","http.log", etc...
At First glance logstash appeared to be the soloution to my problem, after tinkering with it i knew i was wrong. Indeed logstash provide's great config utilities that customize's the way it eat's logs's, i needed more control ! ; to me it i felt like it was built for system administrator's use only .
- logstash config language is custom tailered; you can't parse the config and dynamically change it
- don't have any programmable interface (as far as i know )
- Ability to consume realtime data from bro
- Ability to consume data on batch bases from bro
- control bro process from NodeJS
Example 1: listening on a network interface and consuming real-time data ( as soon as bro write's it to disk)
const BroClient = require('../lib/BroClient');
const _ = require('lodash');
// By default bro always spawn the /usr/bin/bro process, if you have bro installed else-where //change "bro" attribute .
//By default all logs are written to /tmp library , change it with the "tmp" attribute.
let bro = new BroClient({
"bro": "/usr/bin/bro",
"tmp": "/home/jodevsa/broo/"
// listen on 'wlp3s0' interface
console.log("started capturing on interface wlp3s0");
// for example "conn"
console.log("log Type",type);
//or if we are only interested in http logs
const BroClient = require('../lib/BroClient');
const _ = require('lodash');
let bro = new BroClient({
"bro": "/usr/bin/bro",
"tmp": "/home/jodevsa/broo/"
// listen on 'wlp3s0' interface
console.log("started analyzing mynetwork.pcap");
bro.onBatches(20, {
// * handler for all event's
// customize event's before emitting to the main listener "*"
// inspired from logstash config language
"*": function(event) {
//transform id to broid
let keys = Object.keys(event);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (keys[i].indexOf("id.") === 0) {
event[keys[i].replace("id.", "broid.")] = event[keys[i]];
delete event[keys[i]];
// convert event.ts to date object
event.ts = new Date(event.ts * 1000);
//connection event handler
"conn": function(event) {
event.destIP = event["broid.resp_h"];
event.destPort = event["broid.resp_p"];
delete event["broid.resp_p"];
event.sourceIP = event['broid.orig_h'];
delete event['broid.orig_h'];
event.sourcePort = event['broid.orig_p'];
event.id = event.uid;
delete event.uid;
/// next:is a function that calls for the next batch !
/// be aware if next isn't invoked , you'll never get the next batch !!
}).on("*", function(batch, next) {
console.log("next batch is ready!");
/// consume batch
let body = [];
_.forEach(batch, (item, e) => {
//contains all lines of the same item.type
// ok 20 was alot , give me 1 line at a time now next(1)
}).on("end", function() {
/// done /////