A collection of some benchmark scripts I used for C++.
The CMakeLists.txt
will add some conan dependencies (such as Google Benchmark library), and do some other magic (enable ccache, etc).
Tested with:
- GCC 10.1.0
- cmake 3.19.2
- conan 1.32.1
One executable will be made for each cpp file that starts with bench
: bench_<name>.cpp
will create a build/Products/<name>
As usual, you can pass options to the executable:
Using conan >= 2.0:
Install conan dependencies and create toolchain file.
conan install . --output-folder=./build --build=missing -c tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator=Ninja -s compiler.cppstd=20 -s build_type=Release
Build using conan-presets
cmake --preset conan-release
cmake --build --preset conan-release
Alternatively, build explicitly.
cd build/
. ./conanbuild.sh
./Products/bench_basics --benchmark_out=results.csv --benchmark_out_format=csv
./Products/bench_basics --help
benchmark [--benchmark_list_tests={true|false}]
A small utility to run a specific benchmark executable and plot a bar chart of the results.
See embedded help via python plot_results.py --help
# List available benchmark executables. You should have built the project first!
(py39)julien@CppBenchmarks (main %>)$ python plot_results.py -l
The following benchmark executables are available:
* bench_IdfObject_print
* bench_basics
# Run benchmark and see results
(py39)julien@CppBenchmarks (main +>)$ python plot_results.py bench_IdfObject_print
Running /home/julien/Software/CppBenchmarks/build/Products/bench_IdfObject_print
Run on (12 X 4100 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x6)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x6)
L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
L3 Unified 9216 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 1.24, 1.25, 1.16
***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_OutputN 191084 ns 153003 ns 4517
BM_OutputEndl 1925007 ns 1874790 ns 372
BM_BoostOutputN 195299 ns 155654 ns 4459
BM_BoostOutputEndl 2030197 ns 1980846 ns 358
A matplotlib window will pop up with the graph:
Alternatively, pass --stacked
(py39)julien@CppBenchmarks (main +>)$ python plot_results.py --stacked bench_IdfObject_print