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dgeapy: Differential Gene Expression Analysis in Python is a Python toolkit for analyzing RNAseq data, focusing on differential gene expression and intersections among datasets.


Setting up the Environment

Create a dedicated environment for dgeapy using Conda:

conda create --name dgeapy python=3.10
conda activate dgeapy

Installing Dependencies

Install all necessary libraries with Conda:

conda install pandas numpy openpyxl matplotlib seaborn matplotlib-venn UpSetPlot

Dependencies and their Roles


Available scripts are:

python dgeapy/ -h

Differential Gene Expression Analyisis in Python at different levels.

Usage: python <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]

    analyze           Perform differential gene expression analyisis
    intersect         Find intersections between indexes of multiple files

    -h, --help        Show this help message and exit
    -V, --version     Show version number and exit

    python analyze -h
    python analyze <mygenes.csv> -f 2.0 -p 0.01
    python intersect -f <mutA.csv> -f <mutB.csv> -n "Mutant A" -n "Mutant B" -i gene_id

dgeapy analyze

Determine the differentially expressed genes from a dataframe.

$ python dgeapy/ analyze -h
usage: analyze <TABLE> [OPTIONS]

Differential Gene Expression Analysis.
Generates tables with differentially expressed plots to visualize the results.

positional arguments:
  <TABLE>                  Path to the gene expression data file (CSV, TSV, XLSX).

  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  -o, --output DIR         Specify the output directory (default: cwd).
  -p, --padj FLOAT         Adjusted p-value threshold for significance (default: 0.05).
  -f, --fold-change FLOAT  Fold change threshold for significance (default: 1.5).
  -F, --formats [STR]      Output formats for plots (e.g. svg, pdf) (default: ['png']).
  -e, --exclude [STR]      Exclude indexes matching specified patterns.
  -N, --nan-values [STR]   Strings to recognize as NaN (default: ['', '--']).
  -k, --keep-duplicated    Keep duplicated indexes (default: False).
  -I, --index-column STR   Column name for index (default: index).
  -L, --log2fc-column STR  Column name for log2 Fold Change (default: log2_fold_change).
  -P, --p-column STR       Column name for adjusted p-values (default: padj).

Script workflow summary:

  1. Take a table in CSV, TSV, or XLSX format.
  2. Verify and clean the data by checking for NaN values, duplicated values in the index, and excluding indexes with specific patterns using --exclude.
  3. Utilize --index-column to index each row and add fold change and regulation columns.
  4. Identify differentially expressed genes (DEG) by applying thresholds for p-adjusted value (--padj) and fold change absolute value (--fc).
  5. Output three tables (DEGs, upregulated and downregulated) and two figures (a bar plot and a volcano plot).

Usage example:

python dgeapy/ analyze example/data/GSE206442.xlsx -o example/analyze_output -L log2FoldChange -N NA

Output tables and figures can be found in example/analyze_output.

Example data can be downloaded from GSE206442.

dgeapy intersect

Compute intersections of indexes among a list of dataframes.

$ python dgeapy/ intersect -h
usage: intersections -f <file1> -f <file2> [...] -n <name1> -n <name2> [...] [OPTIONS]

Computes intersections between multiple data files and generates comprehensive intersection
tables and visualizations.

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  -o, --output DIR        Specify the output directory for results (default: cwd).
  -i, --index-column STR  Name of the index column in the data files (default: index).
  -F, --formats [STR]     Output formats for the plots (e.g. svg) (default: ['png', 'pdf']).
  -N, --nan-values [STR]  Strings to recognize as NaN (default: ['', '--', 'NA']).
  -e, --exclude [STR]     Exclude indexes matching specified patterns.

required arguments:
  -f, --files [<FILE>]    Paths to the data files for intersection analysis.
  -n, --names [STR]       Names for the data files to label plots and tables.

Script workflow summary:

  1. Take multiple dataframes along with their assigned names.
  2. Validate and prepare data by checking for NaN, null, or duplicated values in the indexes, excluding specific patterns with --exclude.
  3. Compute all possible intersections between the indexes of the provided dataframes.
  4. Generate TSV and XLSX files for each non-empty intersection to document results.
  5. Produce visual representations of intersections: automatically generate a weighted and unweighted Venn Diagram for up to three dataframes, or an UpSet Plot for larger sets to visualize the present and missing intersections.

Usage example:

Intersection analysis between 3 files:

python dgeapy/ intersect -f example/data/condition1.xlsx -f example/data/condition2.xlsx -f example/data/condition3.xlsx -n "Condition 1" -n "Condition 2" -n "Condition 3" -o example/intersect3_output

Results can be found in example/intersect3_output

Example of a generated Venn Diagram:

Intersection analysis between 4 files:

python dgeapy/ intersect -f example/data/condition1.xlsx -f example/data/condition2.xlsx -f example/data/condition3.xlsx -f example/data/condition5.xlsx -n "Condition 1" -n "Condition 2" -n "Condition 3" -n "Condition 4" -o example/intersect4_output

Results can be found in example/intersect4_output

Example of a generated UpSet Plot:


CLI toolkit for analyzing RNAseq data






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