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reveal.js + Pug

A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. Check out the live demo. (Compare it to the reveal.js demo)

Reveal.js was built by Hakim El Hattab.

Later,Jason Lengstorf — because he's too lazy to write out HTML longhand — ported markup authoring to Pug.


This project is identical to the original reveal.js in every way except authoring markup.

Using Pug

See Pug's documentation.

Using Reveal.js

See the reveal.js documentation.

Working with Reveal.js + Pug

To edit your slideshow markup, edit templates/index.pug. While you can edit index.html and nothing will break, any changes made to that file will be overridden when changes are made to a Pug file.

Quick Start

To get up and running with Reveal.js + Pug, clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone [email protected]:jlengstorf/reveal.js-jade.git
cd reveal.js-jade
npm install

Next, start up the development server:

grunt serve

Open http: in your browser to see the demo presentation.

Creating Your Own Presentation

To create your own slideshow, edit templates/index.pug.

NOTE: Editing Pug templates is hooked up to the watch task in Grunt, and your changes will be automatically recompiled whenever you save. If you have the livereload extension installed, changes will appear automatically as you save.

Inside templates/index.pug, you are only required to add one line of code:

extends layouts/presentation

This presentation won't have any of your info in it, but it will display a presentation once saved.

Adding Slides

To add slides, override the default slides block in the layout:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- Use the `slide` mixin for quick slide creation
		h1 Slide Title
		p Slide text here.

	//- Use standard Pug to create slides as well
		h1 Slide Title
		p Slide text here.

The slide mixin is most handy if you're using Markdown. See the next section for details.

Using Markdown

To author slides in Markdown:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- Use the `slide` mixin for quick slide creation
		# Slide Title

		Slide text goes here.

		var foo = 'bar';

	//- Use standard Pug to create slides as well
			# Slide Title

			Slide text goes here.

			var foo = 'bar';

This works because the slide mixin checks for data-markdown and auto-wraps the slide content with script(type="text/template") when found.

Slides with Attributes

Adding attributes works as expected, whether you're using the slide mixin or not:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- Use the `slide` mixin for quick slide creation
	+slide(data-markdown=true, data-background="#EEEEEE")
		# Slide Title

		Slide text goes here.

	//- Use standard Pug to create slides as well
	section(data-background="#000000" data-transition="slide")
		h1 Slide Title
		p Slide text here.

Adding Custom Title and Meta

The title block is designed to allow easy updating of the tite, as well as the description and author meta tags.

extends layouts/presentation

block title
	title My Sweet Presentation
	meta(name="description" content="Description of my sweet presentation")
	meta(name="author" content="Your Name Here")

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

Change the Presentation Theme

To change the presentation theme, override the default in the theme block:

extends layouts/presentation

block theme
	link(rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/simple.css" id="theme")

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

Adding Custom Stylesheets

If you need to add additional stylesheets (such as an icon set or hosted fonts), use the styles block:

extends layouts/presentation

block styles
	//- Font Awesome for icons

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

Overriding Default Scripts

The default scripts loaded are lib/js/head.min.js and js/reveal.js. Additionally, Reveal.initialize() is called with the defaults specified in the demo. To override these settings, simply override using the defaultscripts block:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

block defaultscripts
		// Full list of configuration options available at:
			controls: false,
			progress: false,
			history: true,
			center: true,
			transition: 'zoom', // none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom
			// Optional reveal.js plugins
			dependencies: [
				{ src: 'lib/js/classList.js', condition: function() { return !document.body.classList; } },
				{ src: 'plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true }

Adding Custom Scripts

If you want to add additional scripts (and don't want to set them as Reveal.js dependencies), you can use the scripts block:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

block scripts

Adding Presentation Extras

For additional HTML that's not related to Reveal.js, you can add it using the extras block. For example, you may want to add a footer to your presenations that persists across all slides:

extends layouts/presentation

block slides
	//- ...slides go here...

block extras
				“Even Better Presentation with Reveal.js + Pug”
				by #[a(href='http:') Jason Lengstorf]


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2016 Hakim El Hattab, http:


The HTML Presentation Framework (now with Jade support!)







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  • JavaScript 48.7%
  • CSS 36.0%
  • HTML 15.3%