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About meps.panel

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The goal of meps.panel is to wrap the two-year panel files from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (meps) Household Component (HC) in an R data package. All variable labels and value labels are included.

For more information about the consolidated MEPS-HC panel files, see the AHRQ webpages, or the example code from the HHS-AHRQ/MEPS repo by @e-mitchell.

For another attempt of downloading the MEPS data, see the ajdamico/asdfree repo by @ajdamico.

Currently the package includes data from panel 16 (2011-2012), panel 17 (year 2012-2013), and panel 18 (year 2013-2014). The rest of the panel files will be packaged soon.

All MEPS-Related R data packages:


# install.packages("devtools")

# To uninstall the package, use:
# remove.packages("meps.panel")