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The language used is 05AB1E, a stacked based golfing language. Apart from the offical github wiki, these tips helped a lot to optimize the code.

To run code with osabie encoding, you might need to change the 05AB1E source code:

# Line 72 of 05AB1E/lib/reading/reader.ex
# change this
    {_, file} = :file.(file_path, [:read, :binary])
# to this
    {_, file} = File.(file_path, [:read, :binary])

and rebuild 05AB1E. This might be a bug related to operating systems or Elixir and Erlang versions. 05AB1E is not maintained as the last commit was in 2022.

To convert code from utf-8 to osabie encoding, reference

Day 1: 4 bytes


To run the utf8 file, use command:

escript path_to/osabie 1utf8.05AB1E

Alternatively, to run the osabie encoded file, use command:

escript path_to/osabie -c 1.05AB1E


т               # push 100
 Åp             # produces a list of the first (a) primes
   »            # join by newlines
                # implicit output

Day 2: 8 bytes


The code takes about a minute to run on my laptop.


A               # push "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 5ã             # cartesian power of 5, which yields ["aaaaa", "aaaab", "aaaac" ... "zzzzz"]
   ʒ  }         # keep only elements that
    Â           # itself and its reverse
     Q          # equals
       »        # join by newlines
                # implicit output

(Bonus) The following code is a byte longer but way faster :



A               # push "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 3ã             # cartesian power of 3, which yields ["aaa", "aab", "aac" ... "zzz"]
   ε   }        # for each element do
    Â           # bifurcate (push reverse to stack)
     ¦          # tail (remove the first element)
      «         # concatenate
        »       # join by newlines
                # implicit output

Day 3: 23 bytes

18L18ªX3Ý·.ΛX„[]:ð„  .:

First create a one-caracter wide spiral like this:

1                1
1 11111111111111 1
1 1            1 1
1 1 1111111111 1 1
1 1 1        1 1 1
1 1 1 111111 1 1 1
1 1 1 1    1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1
1 1 1      1 1 1 1
1 1 11111111 1 1 1
1 1          1 1 1
1 111111111111 1 1
1              1 1
1111111111111111 1

The following code is inspired by this

          .Λ    # (output to string) Draw lines of length:
18L             #     [1, 2 ... 18]
   18ª          #     append another 18 to list
                # with caracter(s):
      X         #     value of X variable (defaults to 1)
                # in the direction of:
       3Ý       #     [0, 1, 2, 3]
         ·      #     times 2 = [0, 2, 4, 6]

Then we just need to replace the caracters

    :           # replace recursively
X               # value of X variable (defaults to 1)
 „[]            # with 2-char string "[]"
         .:     # replace all
     ð          # whitespace
      „         # with 2-char string "  "
                # implicit output

Day 4: 49 bytes


To run with input file, use either one:

escript path_to/osabie 4utf8.05AB1E < 4input.txt
escript path_to/osabie -c 4.05AB1E < 4input.txt

Initialization of input

                # implicit input
  ¡             # parse with
',              # character ','
      ǝ         # replace element at index
     X          # value of X variable (defaults to 1)
   12           # with 12
         ǝ      # replace element at index
        Y       # value of Y variable (defaults to 2)
       Y        # with value of Y variable
          U     # assgin to variable X (now X stores the code as a list of integers)

State machine with infinite loop, plus the final output

[... ...]       # infinite loop
    #           # break loop if true
         X¬     # get first element of X
                # implicit output

Calculate index Y

N               # current index of loop (0 to inf)
 4*             # times 4
   V            # assgin to variable Y

Calculate code[code[Y+1]] and code[code[Y+2]]

2E       }      # loop 2 times (N = 1 and 2)
        è       # get element of
  X             # X
       è        # at index    get element of
   X            #             X
    YN+         #             at index Y+N

Similarly, calculate code[Y] (duplicated for future use)

XYè             # calculate code[Y]
   D            # duplicate it

Break the loop if code[Y] == 99. Since code[Y] can only be 1, 2 or 99, we can use code[Y] > 2

  #             # break loop if
2›              # (a) > 2

Calculate sum or product according to code[Y]

i               # if code[Y] equals to 1 then
 +              # push (a) + (b)
  ë             # else
   *            # push (a) + (b)
    }           # endif

Finally, update X

X...            # the list that was put in the stack long ago
         ǝ      # replace element at index
    XY3+è       # code[code[Y+3]]
                # with (a)
          U     # assgin to variable X

Day 5: 49 bytes


Big thanks to polo-diemunsch for the competition that forced me to come up with a new algorithm and do extreme optimizations.

The code again takes about a minute to run.

Because we only have one input which has a solution with only right and down moves, the searching algorithm is simple. At each given position, we only need to search two neighboring cases, prioritising right over down. If we reach a deadend, we modify the map, changing current case to wall and go back one move.

In the implementation, I decided to save the map in a 1-dimensional list, adding 1 padding character between the lines. Because of the lack of variables and to shorten the code, I used a single variable to store the current position. We start at 0. current + 1 is the case to the right and current + 351 is the case to the bottom. Our goal is at position 351*350-2 = 122848. The interesting part is that if we store 1 as right and 351 as down in the list of directions, the current position can be calculated by the sum of the list. There is need to maintain the variable.


|               # input all
 »              # join by '\n' which makes the padding
  ¤             # get last character (#)
   1:           # replace all of them with 1
     U          # assgin to variable X
      ¯         # empty list (to store directions)

The main loop and calculation of current position

   E   ...]     # loop from 1 to 
Ž4$             # 1118 (loop count to reach the end, by experience before)
    DO          # calculate sum of the list (current position)
      V         # and assign it to variable Y

If the case to the right is road, we append 1 to the list

    i           # if
   è            # element of
X               # map at
 Y>             # case to the right
                # equals to 1 (road)
     1ª         # then append 1

Similarly, else if the case to the bottom is road, we append 351 to the list

ëXYƵû+èiƵûª     # Ƶû = 351

Else we are in a dead end, so we change the map and take one step back

ë               # else
    ǝ           # replace the element of
 X              # the map
   Y            # at current position
  0             # with 0
     U          # and save it to variable X
      ¨         # pop list (remove last step)

The following character ] closes all if statements and the infinite loop. The only thing left is the output:

ε               # for each element of the list
 i              # if it equals to 1
  'R            # push 'R' as Right
    ë'D         # else push 'D' as Down
       ]        # close if and for statement
        »       # join by newlines
                # implicit output


My solutions written in 05AB1E with detailed explanation






