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  • QBCore based payment system
  • Enchanced QB-Input payment system from my other scripts now free on its own

If you need support I have a discord server available, it helps me keep track of issues and give better support.

We also have Documentation over on Gitbook, feel free to check it out

If you think I did a good job here, consider donating as it keeps by lights on and my cat fat/floofy:

  • If you use a different phone/invoice system let me know and I will add support for it as best I can!
    • Currently supported are:
      • qb-phone
      • gks-phone
      • qs-smartphone - Leave the setting as "qb"


  • I always recommend starting my scripts AFTER [qb] not inside it as it can mess with any dependancies on server load
  • I have a separate folder called [jim] (that is also in the resources folder) that starts WAY after everything else.
  • This ensure's it has everything it requires before trying to load
  • Example of my load order:
# QBCore & Extra stuff
ensure qb-core
ensure [qb]
ensure [standalone]
ensure [voice]
ensure [defaultmaps]
ensure [vehicles]
#Extra Jim Stuff
ensure [jim]

BZZ Terminal Instructions

Free Package

Stream the prop and add the emote that is provided to rpemotes or dpemotes

	['terminal'] 			 = {['name'] = 'terminal', 				['label'] = 'Wireless Terminal', 				['weight'] = 5000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = 'terminal.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ['description'] = ''},

Item installation

  • To make use of the ticket reward system for workers you need to add the ticket item to your shared items lua
  • Naviage to [qb] > qb-core / shared / items.lua and add this line
["payticket"] 					 = {["name"] = "payticket", 				["label"] = "Receipt", 	     			["weight"] = 150, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ticket.png", 				["unique"] = false,   	["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = false,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Cash these in at the bank!"},
  • Add the ticket image to your inventory script:
  • Naviage to [qb] > qb-inventory > html > images and add this line

Phone Setup

  • There are two modes in the script, one that uses the phone for invoices/bank charges
  • The script supports many features like pay tickets, commission payments etc.
  • If you want to use phone systems for these then you need to add the event for when a payment is accepted:
  • REMINDER: IF using phone invoices, the money being added to the society accounts is handled BY THE PHONE, not by my script. If money isn't going to the account its the phone system or bossmenu script.


  • Go to [qb] > qb-phone > client > main.lua
  • Search for the event RegisterNUICallback('PayInvoice', function(data, cb) and look for the line:
TriggerServerEvent('qb-phone:server:BillingEmail', data, true)
  • Directly above this line add:
TriggerServerEvent('jim-payments:Tickets:Give', data)
  • The phone should now be integrated with jim-payments


  • Go to gks-phone > server > serverapi.lua
  • Search for the event: gksphone:faturapayBill and search for this line:
  Ply.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', data[1].amount, "paid-invoice")
  • Directly under this line add this event:
TriggerEvent('jim-payments:Tickets:Give', { sender = Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, senderCitizenId = data[1].sendercitizenid, society = data[1].society, amount = data[1].amount })
  • The phone should now be integrated with jim-payments

Renewed QB-Phone:

  • Go to qb-phone > server > invoices.lua
  • Search for the event: qb-phone:server:PayMyInvoice and search for this line:
TriggerEvent("qb-phone:server:InvoiceHandler", true, amount, src, resource)
  • Directly under this line add this event:
TriggerEvent('jim-payments:Tickets:Give', { amount = amount, senderCitizenId = sendercitizenid, sender = SenderPly.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, society = society }, SenderPly)
  • When invoices are paid, they should now be integrated with jim-payments


Custom Locations

  • You can make of this payment system for a job script that wasn't created by me
  • All you need to do is add the job, grab a vector4 (vector3 + heading) and set if you need a to spawn prop or not
  • For example:
CustomCashRegisters = { -- Located in the config.lua
  ["burgershot"] = { -- Player job role restriction
    { coords = vector4(-1185.5, -878.54, 13.91, 305.53), prop = true, }, -- vector4 to place the till and the way it faces
    { coords = vector4(-1184.34, -880.51, 13.93, 302.04), prop = true, }, -- "prop = true" spawns a prop at the coords

This does not need to be done for MY job scripts, they already have built in support


  • This script has a built in ticket reward system
  • On successful sale, the employees will be handed a ticket if they are clocked in
    • This can then be handed in to the bank to receive payment
    • Works as a reward and incentive for turning up to do work
    • The values are set per job in Config.Jobs
  • TicketSystem Enable this if you want to use the ticket system false
  • TicketSystemAll Enable this to give tickets to all workers clocked in

Commission System

  • Support for commission to be paid as a reward for each successful payment
  • Very customisable with the config.lua
    • Commission Choose wether people get commission from every sale
    • CommissionAll Choose if EVERY worker gets Commission that is on duty
    • CommissionDouble Choose if Commission is limited by MinAmountForTicket
    • CommissionLimit Choose if the worker charging the customer gets double commission

Multiple Job and Gang Role support

  • The script supports adding job roles to the config so they can get rewards for successful payments
  • This includes Gang roles for stores/bars owned by a gang allowing them to get ticket rewards and commission
  • Examples of adding jobs / gangs to config.lua:
Jobs = {
	['mechanic'] = { MinAmountforTicket = 1000, PayPerTicket = 500, Commission = 0.10, },
	['lostmc'] = { MinAmountforTicket = 50, PayPerTicket = 50, Commission = 0.10, gang = true, },
  • MinAmountforTicket is the amount required in a charge before they can get a ticket
  • PayPerTicket is the amount paid per ticket at the bank for the job role
    • I personally recommend this being lower than MinAmountforTicket, being too high makes it exploitable
  • Commission is the amount of commission given to players on successful payments (0.10 = 10%)
  • gang = true add this if the added role is a gang role


  • Alternative to /givecash
  • A simple command built in to send cash to a nearby player
  • Shows a list of names and id's of people nearby to select from rather
  • Better experience than trying to figure out their ID and entering it manually


  • This command is mean't as a portable cash register alternative
  • For example:
    • When a person is devliering food they can do /cashregister and the payment will still be sent to the society account
  • Doesn't utilize the ticket reward system unfortunately


  • This script supports a customisable "police billing"
  • This is the ability for selected jobroles to charge a nearby player
  • Depending on how you've set it up, this can take money directly from the players bank to the job's society account
  • This is by default enabled for police and ambulance
  • This also supports giving the player a cut of the payment as commission
    • Default Config:
FineJobs = {
  ['police'] = { Commission = 0.25, },
  ['ambulance'] = { Commission = 0.25, },
FineJobConfirmation = false, -- "true" makes it so fines need confirmation, "false" skips this ands just removes the money
FineJobList = true, -- "true" to use nearby player list feature in the cash registers, "false" for manual id entry


  • This script has simple banking systems built in
    • Works as a basic replacement for qb-banking and qb-atms
  • Adjust the options in config.lua:
    • useATM Choose wether to make atm's usable
    • useBanks Choose wether to make bank desks/teller's usable
    • BankBlips Enable this if you disabled qb-banking and need bank locations
    • ATMBlips Enable this if you are a pyscho and need every ATM to be on the map too
    • Gabz Enable to change to Gabz Bank locations, this corrects the ATM/Bank Cashier + Ticket Cash in

Support for other scripts


  • Support for renewed banking added
  • Toggle RenewedBanking in the config.lua to enable this

Renewed's qb-phone

  • Simply leave the Config.PhoneType as "qb"


  • Support for AP-Goverment Tax on payments
  • Toggle ApGov in the config.lua to enable this


QBCore based payment system






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