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Creators.TF Server Repository

This is the repository that contains all of the code, configs, and content for the Creators.TF Servers. Creators.TF Servers have a lot of custom content such as custom weapons, cosmetics, strange parts, campaigns, just to name a few. A lot of this repository is the economy code (usually starting in cecon_ or ce_), which is responsible for all of the previously mentioned custom features.

Repository Setup

To clone this project:

git clone --recurse-submodules <[email protected]:creators_tf/gameservers/servers.git>

or if you've already cloned the project,

git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

The CI/CD scripts will automatically manage deployment out to all game servers when a commit is pushed.

Building Economy plugins locally.

For developers to test changes to plugins without us having to grant API keys to individuals, we've developed a way to "locally" build our economy plugins. The difference between a "local" version and our "production" plugins is that without an API key, you cannot write/modify any data to our website with HTTP requests, and in turn update our databse. An example of a write function would be updating a users contract progress. An example of a read function would be retreiving the players loadout to display ingame.

To build locally, you need to change line 15 of, which in a production build is #undef LOCAL_BUILD.. This line needs to be changed to #define LOCAL_BUILD. This will then compile plugins, but leave out parts inside of a preprocessor guard (those #if defined LOCAL_BUILD or #if !defined LOCAL_BUILD lines you see scattered throughout).

Compiling a plugin locally will disable the following:

  • Receiving server jobs with Long Polling/the Coordinator
  • Updating weapon attributes (e.g Strange Parts)
  • Updating Contracker progress
  • Updating Campaign progress

You will be able to use everything else that Creators.TF provides, including custom cosmetics and weapons, provided that you have the required assets to do so.

We are currently not giving write-access and/or handing out API keys to developers.

SourcePawn Development File Structure

Click to expand, it's pretty lengthy.

File Structure: <root install> / servers / tf / addons / sourcemod

  • scripting - All raw Sourcepawn files. All files ending in .sp that have been changed will be compiled into .smx files when a commit is pushed. They will then be automatically deployed onto game servers.
    • ∟ attributes - Sourcepawn files that relate to custom weapon, item, or object attributes. Also includes specific provider economy features (e.g Creators.TF Strange’s).
    • ∟ disabled - Sourcepawn files that are compiled and are immediately moved to /disabled on compile.
    • ∟ discord - Files required for the Seed bot on the Creators.TF Discord.
    • ∟ external - Sourcepawn files that are not made by the team.
    • ∟ fixes - Sourcepawn files that have quality of life changes to TF2’s gameplay.
    • ∟ include - Sourcepawn include files.
    • ∟ sbpp - Sourcepawn files required for SourceBans++.
  • plugins - Sourcemod plugins which are developed by us are auto recompiled on each server instance. So there is no need to store their compiled versions on the repo. However, if we want to keep some compiled plugins that aren't managed by us and we don't expect them to be updated so often -- we should keep them in the external folder. That folder is not ignored and git tracks all changes that were made in that folder.
  • configs - All of the config files required for our plugins.
    • ∟ cecon_items - Creators Developers only: See Injecting Custom Items.
    • ∟ regextriggers - Config files required for the regex triggers plugin. Do not touch unless you know what you’re doing.
    • ∟ sourcebans - Config files for SourceBans.
    • ∟ economy_$x.cfg - Creators Developers only: These config files are loaded in by cecon_core.smx when it’s loaded so backend HTTP requests can go through. Do not touch these unless you have permission from a Core Developer.

Economy Plugin Outline

  • cecon_core - Responsible for establishing contact with the website via Long-Polling. Also handles parsing the Economy Schema from the website and sending Creators.TF Events to Clients. This plugins is required for the economy to work.
  • cecon_items - The core item for custom override items to work. This plugin handles getting player loadouts from the website, equipping items on players and calling forwards to other sub-item plugins.
  • cecon_item_weapon - Implements logic that creates custom weapons for the player.
  • cecon_item_cosmetic - Implements logic that creates custom cosmetics for the player.
  • cecon_item_soundtrack - Implements logic that creates custom music-kits for the player.
  • cecon_contracts - Handles receiving and updating custom player contracts with data from Creators.TF Events.
  • cecon_tf2_events - Creates Creators.TF Events based on ingame events.
  • cecon_mvm_events - Creates Creators.TF Events based on ingame events.
  • cecon_mvm - Handles the logic for controlling MVM-only gameservers.
  • cecon_patreon - Handles giving players ingame tags based on their Patreon subscription.
  • cecon_http - Natives to create HTTP requests to the website.
  • cecon_matchmaking - Currently unused due to Quickplay not being in active development.
  • cecon_quickswitch - Implements the !qs command to quickly switch between items in a slot without having to open the website.
  • cecon_nohats - Implements a command that can disable Creators.TF cosmetics for a player.
  • cecon_giveitem - Used to give Economy Items to admins without equipping them on the website.
  • cecon_campaigns - Handles receiving and updating campaigns with data from Creators.TF Events.
  • cecon_stats - Currently unfinished: Used to send statistics to the website with data from Creators.TF Events.


STRTA: or Scripts To Rule Them All:

  • .scripts/ Contains an useful collection of shared functions.
  • .scripts/ Master script for running ci.
  • .scripts/ Updates the repository in it's current directory with master
  • .scripts/ Recursively compiles any uncompiled .sp plugin in it's current directory and (if given a git reference) any .sp in need of an update.

Creating a Merge/Pull Request

If you have something to contribute, please, open a pull request! Make sure your PR tries to solve/improve one thing at a time and isn't messy. Pull requests should always have a specific goal to accomplish. Please do NOT make a pull request or change that only seeks to change code styling or do "housekeeping" as these will be denied and closed. If you have a bug report or a suggestion, open an issue! Try to use the templates and give good information.


This repository is dual licensed under the GPLv3 license, available at LICENSES/GPLv3.txt, and the MIT license, available at LICENSES/MIT.txt.


Creators.TF plugins source code.


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  • SourcePawn 97.2%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Python 0.8%
  • C++ 0.7%
  • HTML 0.1%
  • Pawn 0.1%