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Julia is working hard on her career but her personal finance falls behind. From Dec. 2018, she likes to blog her mistakes, success with data. She likes to push herself to work on personal finance research and help herself.

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Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed
the richest man in Babylon, Georges Clason

The repository is only for study and research purpose. I like to share the experience to help those immigrants like me to learn better about personal finance, learn better about Canadian finance, US recession in 2009, and transition from USA to Canada. I have very struggle life in my personal finance from 1984 to 2008 and then I like to learn starting from August 2018.

Proverb 30:7-9
I ask two things from you, Lord. Don't refuse me before I die. 8 Keep me from lying and being dishonest. And don't make me either rich or poor; just give me enough food for each day. 9 If I have too much, I might reject you and say, 'I don't know the Lord.' If I am poor, I might steal and disgrace the name of my God.

Psalm 37:25

I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.

My bible study in Boca Raton home in 2008
My christian friends in Boca Raton shared the verse with me when I struggled to file the appeal for leave case in Federal court of Canada in 2009. I held a small bible study at my home in Boca Raton, Florida a few weekends in 2009.

Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow
1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ 4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’ ” 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Nov. 5, 2018
2009 - 2011 and recession

I experienced the tough time in USA after 2008. USA was in recesison in 2009, a lot of property in Florida was underwater. I managed to make a living from August 2008 to April 2010, live on savings and with low interest rate of home equity loan.

I had difficulty time to adapt and hop on the opportunity in the city of Vancouver. Although at that time I thought that I did right thing in Nov. 2011, I got loan approved but I did not take it. Actually I missed the opportunity I had in Canada.

I need to do a few study related to Canada banking comparing to USA banking. I need to write down my questions, and then look up videos, learn a few terms about passive income, and rental income, and all other benefits to have a full time job offer at hand.

At that time, following buying low selling high principle, the price was low back in 2011.

Blogs about my home equity loan case study.
2009 my home equity loan account
Personal finance 2010

Nov. 10, 2018
Canada house market
Investment success
It takes a village to build an investment mindset
case study abbotsford one bedroom condo

Nov. 12, 2018
Baby step to start my real estate research

Nov.14, 2018
Get my mint app to check my accounts. Share my dormant account lesson in my blog.
Mint app
Search an app for investment on real estate

Nov. 17, 2018
Home equity loan 2006
Case study: 2015 my home search
10 lessons to learn using home equity line
It is people skills

Nov. 19, 2018

It is the first time I did analyze the net income from 1999 to 2001, and then I wrote a blog about my analysis and also my understanding of life and finance.

Personal finance analysis from 1999 to 2001

Nov. 20, 2018
Save money up to $100,000 dollars

Nov. 21, 2018
Do I live under my means in Canada?

Dec. 13, 2018
Case study: 2002 $1800 US dollar laptop purchase

Dec.15 - Dec. 16

I stayed in my home office the whole weekend. Except cooking, sleep, a few social chat with my roommates. All I did is to review personal finance data, use scanCamera app to document the expenses; I search videos to watch on, and then I also chose some good article, books to read.

It was a marathon, I nonstopped to work on those paper work 48 hours inside my home office. I did not step outside the home.

I push myself to learn as much as I can. I also write down the content I chose to watch, read and then writes something to share.

A few blogs can be searched from here.

MY personal finance blogs

A few blogs I like to share one by one.
My asset in Canada in 2010
My first 24 months in Canada review - personal finance mistakes
Learn to solve personal finance problem one by one

2018 project management review last two weeks in December
Being financial smart - my sponsor application project
How much I paid for private coach June 2018

Jan. 22, 2020
I found out that my biggest financial mistake in May 2019. I did buy high and sell low in 2009, and then moved my USA 401 K and IRA to money market fund. However, there is a 10 year bull market, S & P 500 index went up 300%.
I worked on a few portfolios, and then put together some asset allocation.
I just finished my first rebalance of Key Largo portfolio, Victoria portfolio.
Here is Key Largo rebalance's blog.
Here is Victoria rebalance's blog.