🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
Crowdsourcing Mozilla responses to Google Play Store reviews
Repositório de localização de atividades do Web Literacy Basics II da Mozilla Learning Network.
App iOS to daily notes, stored in CoreData with the possibility to add, edit and remove note.
jhonatasrm / FXHelp
Forked from turtlelovesshoes/FXHelpA Small Firefox help app for the iOS platform
Sample onboarding screen that can be added to an application, to make it more friendly and explain some functions.
Users love to see high app ratings when deciding which apps to download. If two apps do the same thing, but one has a higher rating than the other then he will be the chosen one.
jhonatasrm / focus
Forked from mozilla-mobile/focus-iosFocus by Firefox.
jhonatasrm / firefox-ios
Forked from mozilla-mobile/firefox-iosFirefox for iOS
A collection of Android libraries to build browsers or browser-like applications.
Example DialogFragment communicating with Activity
AudD Chrome extension
jhonatasrm / jquery-ui
Forked from jquery/jquery-uiThe official jQuery user interface library.
Frontierline theme for Mozilla blogs
Block the operation of JavaScript in your browser, also block elements of the page.
jhonatasrm / Rocket
Forked from mozilla-mobile/FirefoxLiteEmerging Market Experiment
Exemplo de como construir um layout parecido com o do Twitter adicionando elementos a lista.
This is an example of how to select items from a list, keep them checked and delete
Um App para Android que salva os dados no banco de dados SQLite.
This is a example of how use a BackStack on Fragments
Um simples jogo de pedra, papel ou tesoura. O programa incrementa um placar que contabiliza o número de vitórias, derrotas e empates.
A full-featured browser reference implementation using Mozilla Android Components.