This is a flutter application that displays a list of the most popular movies, in addition to the release date, average votes and the summary of each movie. The data is taken from the TMDb API.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
The layout of the project can be seen in this link, you need to create an account on Figma.
First you must install flutter.
Then clone the project repository and enter the project folder:
git clone
cd moviesapp
Now for testing you can connect a device to your computer or use an emulator. Install the dependencies and start the application:
flutter pub get
flutter run
- google_fonts: allows the use of fonts provided by
- dio: makes it possible to make requests to the API.
- cached_network_image: keeps the internet images used in the application cached in the directory.
- flutter_bloc: used to make the application more organized, separating business rules from the user interface using events and consequences.