A PHP abstraction library for JavaScript charting built as a Symfony 2 service bundle.
The following libraries are currently bundled with this Symfony bundle, feel free to update the libraries yourself - they reside in Resources/public/js.
- Jquery 1.6.4
- Flot 0.7
- jqPlot 1.0.0 revision 1095
You need a working Symfony2 framework installed and setup. From your main symfony2 directory, run:
$ composer require malwarebytes/altamirabundle
Enable the bundle:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundlles = array (
// ...
new Malwarebytes\AltamiraBundle\MalwarebytesAltamiraBundle(),
Lastly, install the assets:
$ app/console assets:install
If you would like to see example code, enable the example controller:
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@MalwarebytesAltamiraBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /chart_demo/example
Refer to the sample controller on examples on how to use the code.