An investigation of disparate outcomes in internet deals across 38 major cities in the United States.
OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter
Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
A lodging recommendation service for properties in San Francisco, powered by OpenAI and the PostgreSQL pgvector extension.
Python package for scraping real estate property data
Raw data for digital and printed maps
a single-user bookmarking website designed to live on the Fediverse
A sometimes-tended garden of things a hewer of maps has made and copied that can occasionally be turned to useful work.
Python package for segmenting LiDAR data using Segment-Anything Model (SAM) from Meta AI.
A very thin PostGIS-only tile server in Go. Takes in HTTP tile requests, executes SQL, returns MVT tiles.
jscastro76 / threebox
Forked from peterqliu/threeboxA Three.js plugin for Mapbox GL JS, with support for animations and advanced 3D rendering.
A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM)
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
BayesDB on SQLite. A Bayesian database table for querying the probable implications of data as easily as SQL databases query the data itself.
Merlin Mann attempts to capture the best advice he's heard and learned from.
OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
Proof of concept bluetooth broadcast decoder from Govee Thermometer/Hygrometers
Lightweight plotting for geospatial analysis in PySAL
Generate high-resolution tiled imagery from USDA NAIP data
Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
Open citygml data for the United States
Awesome implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification
MongoDB data stream pipeline tools by YouGov (adopted from MongoDB)