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This repository implements bitblasting of C/C++ code that can be proved to terminated (i.e. loops have to be counted in some way): it transforms arbitrary C/C++ functions into sequences of AND, OR and NOT instructions.

It supports most arithmetic and logical operations as well as conditionals on any integer bitwidth.

The repository also contains a tool which transforms such bitblasted code into DIMACS Conjunctive Normal Form, which can then be fed to a SAT solver to prove that different functions actually do implement the same functionality for all possible inputs.


The implementation relies heavily on LLVM's compiler infrastructure to simplify some constructs before trying to bliblast them. Most importantly, it relies on LLVM performing full loop unrolling because bitblasted functions are only contain one giant basic block and don't contain any control flow. It also importantly expects memory references to be registerized, although the algorithm could be made to reason about memory.

In a lesser way applying common subexpression elimination, instruction combination, constant propagation, control flow graph simplifications helps reduce boolean formula sizes. Scalar replacement of aggregates allows the bitblasting code to only have to deal with bits as integer values instead of having to know about structs and their layout.

An extra simplification pass occurs after this, to eliminate some instructions that are cumbersome to handle while bitblasting. Specifically division, modulus, multiplication of a variable by a constant, shift right of a constant by a variable are all simplified into easier-to-handle IR instructions.

At a low-level the bitblasting pass only emits AND, OR and NOT. XOR and XNOR are offered alongside the other three primitives to allow for more expressive code generation, but they're expressed in terms of the previous three. These five primitives apply aggressive bit-level constant propagation and memoization (effectively common subexpression elimination) which the higher-level LLVM transforms don't reason about.

The higher-level LLVM IR instructions are all expressed in terms of these five primitives: add, sub, and, or, xor, truncate, cast, bitcast, zero-extend, sign-extend, select, PHI, left shift by constant, arithmetic right shift by constant, logical right shift by constant, return, branch, integer compare. The simplified LLVM functions are all visited, and an equivalent function is generated using only primitive operations.

More LLVM IR primitives could be supported (and some "by constant" restrictions could be removed), but there hasn't been a need for this so far.


The input.cpp file implements functions in a few different ways, and also contains some CHECK functions which do pairwise comparisons of these function's results. One way to test their equivalence would be to call each CHECK function with all possible inputs, but the above bitblasting and CNF tool allow us to instead feed a boolean formula to a SAT solver and ask it to find inconsistencies.

Steps and results can be found in the opt and unopt directories. The former applies constant propagation and memoization, whereas the later doesn't.

The optimization pipeline manages to simplify much of the code and prove some functions to be equivalent even before reaching the SAT solver. Other functions are proven equivalent byt the SAT solver. One function (the fourth parity implementation) is unsatisfied, indicating that there is most likely a bug in the implementation of constant left shift by a variable.

The functions which use modulo of 64-bit values are currently untested because 64-bit modulo is currently unsupported. A call to LLVM's runtime, which would then be inlined, should be a sufficient implementation. Note that in all these cases a much simpler simplification can be done because all 64-bit modulo use a constant divisor which happens to be (1 << s) - 1, division is therefore not necessary.


Bitblasting functions into boolean formulas






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