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Mr. Roboger's Neighborhood

By Jessica Baker

Mr. Roboger's Neighborhood


This application is created to take a number from the user and return a range of numbers from 0 to the users inputted number with the following substitutions made within the returned range:

Numbers that contain a 1: all digits are replaced (all digits) with "Beep!" Numbers that contain a 2: all digits are replaced (all digits) with "Boop!" Numbers that contain a 3: all digits are replaced (all digits) with "Won't you be my neighbor?" The number 13 should be replaced with "Won't you be my neighbor, userName?" The number 21 should be replaced with "Boop". The number 32 should be replaced with "Won't you be my neighbor?" A user should be able to enter a new number and see new results over and over again.

Example: If a user inputs a 5, the program should display a list of values: "0", "Beep!", "Boop", "Won't you be my neighbor?", 4, 5

Technologies Used

  • GIT
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery

Setup/Installation Requirements

Tests & Expected Outcomes

  • Describe: numArray Test/objective: Should use for loop & create string from 0 and to increase by 1 until it reaches the users number input. Code: let numArray = []; for (let i=0; i <= num; i++) { } return numString; User input: 5 Expected outcome: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • Describe: beepBoob() Test/objective: Should use if conditional statement to push "Won't you be my neighbor?" in place of any number in the string containing "3" Code: ... if (numString.includes("3")) { numArray.push("Won't you be my neighbor?"); } User Input: 5 Expected outcome: 1, 2, Won't you be my neighbor?, 4, 5

Test/objective: Should use users input for name and be added to the above contitional statement "Won't you be my neighbor, userName?" in place of any number in the string containing "3" Code: ... const userName = $("input#userName").val(); } else if (numString.includes("3")) { numArray.push(" Won't you be my neighbor, " + userName + "?"); } User Input(num): 5 User Input(name): Joe Expected outcome: 1, 2, Won't you be my neighbor, Joe?, 4, 5

Test/objective: Should use if conditional statement to push "Boop!" in place of any number in the string containing "2" Code: ... } else if(numString.includes("2")) { numArray.push("Boop!"); } User Input: 23 Expected outcome: 1, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?, 4... 22, Won't you be my neighbor?

Test/objective: Should replace any number containing 1 with "Beep!" & will not overwrite where also conatining 3 or 2. Code: ... } else if (numString.includes("1")) { numArray.push("Beep!"); } User Input: 13 Expected outcome: Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?, 4...9, Beep!, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?

Test/objective: Should replace any number divisible by 7 with "Hello, neighbor!" & will overwrite where also conatining 1, 2 or 3. Code: ... } else if (i % 100 === 0) { numArray.push("Hello, neigbhor!"); } User Input: 100 Expected outcome: Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?, 4...99, Hello, neighbor!

Known Bugs

  • Returns "0" when user doesnt enter a number.


Copyright (c) Jan 2022 Jessica Baker


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