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This is an ASCII game, heavily inspired from the popular game Jetpack Joyride, created for the Design and Analysis of Software Systems assignment


  • numpy==1.18.1
  • colorama==0.4.3


chmod +x run
Q to quit 



    • has the game loop
    • initialise game and player
    • render screen at constant frame rate as long as game is not over

    • user input class

    • contains AlarmException class for user input

    • some game dimenion details
    • dimension of game
    • bullet velocity

    • contains code for coins, magnet, fire beam, shield, and bossenemy

    • Coins

      • getcoinrate - to decide how frequnetly we suspend coins in the air
      • COINCHAR - char that will be printed as money in the game
    • Speedboost

      • getspeedrate - rate at which we suspend speed boost in the air
      • getframerate - the increased speed to implement
    • Shield

      • getshieldrate - rate at which we suspend shield coins in the air during the game
    • Beam

      • getlife - life remaining of the beam suspended in air
      • getbeamrate - rate at which we suspend beams in the air
      • getorientaton - orientation of beam in air
      • getbeamlen - length of the beam in air
    • Magnet

      • getmagrate - rate at which we suspend magents in the air
    • Bossenemy

      • getx,getyy - return x,y of enemy respectively
      • getlives - lives of enemy
      • getshootrate - rate at which enemy shoots the player
      • settime - set if time to attack or not
      • timetoattack - return if timetoattack
      • shootselect - if we shoot or not
      • setx,sety - assign value to x,y of enemy respectively
      • loselife - player hit by players bullet

    • all player functionality
    • getx, gety - return x,y of player respectively
    • setx, sety - assign x,y values to player respectively
    • loselife - player hit by enemy snowball
    • getscore, getlives - return score,lives remaining of player respectively
    • valid - if move is within board
    • coincollected - increase score because coins collected
    • beamkilled - beam hit by player bullet
    • enemykilled - enemy killed, score added
    • scoreup - score incremented by given argument
    • move - take user input and implement it if it is valid
    • shielded - if the player is shielded
    • setshielded - set the shielded variable value, when shield coin collected

    • the state of game and updation of game with time is done here
    • once all oblects placed on the board, we check if any are overlapping using vaious functions and then use the given logic to act or score appropriately
    • render
      • generatenplacecoin, generatenplacespeed, generatenplaceshield, generatenplacemag, generatenplacebeam
        • generate coin, beam, magnet, speed coin, shieldcoin randomly
        • place the coin, beam, magnet, speed coin, shieldcoin on the board
      • then generate the screen string and print it after formatting and coloring
      • then move the frame ahead


ASCII game, Jetpack Joyride spinoff






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