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Killing It With Poutine

If you're using MongoDB, developing with Node.js and like CoffeeScript, we've got just the thing for you. It's easier to work with than any driver, it will map your model objects to MongoDB documents, and it got a sweet API that will make your code beautiful.

Check this out:

{ Model } = require("poutine")

class User extends Model
  @collection "users"

  @field "name", String

  @field "password", String
  @set "password", (clear)->
    @_.password = crypt(clear)

  @field "email", String

  @get "posts", ->
    Post.where(author_id: @_id)

user = new User(name: "Assaf")

A Better Driver API

The MongoDB driver exposes all the features and complexities of the MongoDB API. For example, to run a simple query you need to initialize a Server object and a Db object.

From there, you can open a new connection. You need a callback. Next, you can get hold of a collection. You need another callback. Last, you can run a find operation. That takes another callback.

APIs like that make us sad. They're as powerful as they are verbose. So we decided to improve that using a combination of techniques.

For starters, we're separating connection configuration from the act of acquiring and using a connection. That allows you to configure all your connections in one place. You may have multiple for different environments, e.g. development, test and production.

With Poutine you can write:

configure = require("poutine").configure
configure "development", host: "localhost"
configure "production", host: "db.jupiter", pool: 50
configure.default = process.env.NODE_ENV

Then, elsewhere in your application, access the right connection by calling the connect function.

Poutine gives you a chained API that makes everything easier, and will lazily acquire a pooled connection when you actually execute a command. So to find all posts by an author you could:

connect = require("poutine").connect
posts = connect().collection("posts")
posts.where(author_id: author._id).desc("created_at").all (error, posts, db)->

The chained API gives you a higher level of abstraction, for example:

Posts.prototype.byAuthor = (author) ->
  return connect().collection("posts").where(author_id: author._id)

Of course, you can also go straight for the kill and do this:

connect().find("posts", { author_id: }, order: [["created_at", -1]], (error, posts, db)->

Other operations work the same way. You can perform them directly on the connection object, or use the chaining API for easier composition.

KISS Models

Naturally. And we've got a particular opinion on how to best use them.

Models can, and sometimes do, abstract the underlying database in ways that hurt you, and so we opted to create an API that is just as easy to use with models as it is with Plain Old JavaScript Objects. We want to give you the option to use both, and make it particularly easy to mix both in the same code base.

Finders, scopes and much of the API you'll read about in details soon can be used the same way, whether you're asking it to load a plain JavaScript object, a Poutine model or your own hybrid class.

We kept the API simple by using class functions to mix logic and meta-data within the same class definition. This allows you to define a field, add an index, write accessor functions and related methods, all in consecutive lines. In our experience, this makes model definition much cleaner and easier to maintain.

We kept the API clean by only including methods you would use in the Model class. Poutine needs a lot more lifecycle methods to manage models and give you all those features, but we keep those in separate namespace. Having a base class with hundreds of implementation methods is an anti-pattern we don't like.

Last, at minimum a model is just a constructor with two properties: collection_name and fields. If you don't like Poutine's Model class, don't use it. Write your own code. We'll stay out of the way, but still do the heavy lifting for you.

Time to walk the walk. Here's a model example:

class User extends Model
  @collection "users"

  @field "name", String

  @field "password", String
  @set "password", (clear)->
    @_.password = crypt(clear)

  @field "email", String

  @get "posts", ->
    Post.where(author_id: @_id)

Each model is associated with a single collection, specified by the collection_name property. You can use the Model.collection method to set the collection name.

Only defined fields are loaded and saved. A field definition requires a name and optional type. Fields are loaded into the property _ (underscore). When you define a field by calling field, Poutine adds getter and setter functions for you, but you can always write your own accessors.

In the example above we define a setter that takes a clear-text password and sets the internal field value to be salted and encrypted.

Let's look at a simple example for working with models:

# me is a scope
me = User.where(name: "Assaf") (error, user)->
  console.log "Loaded #{}"
  user.posts.count (error, count)->
    console.log "Published #{count} posts"

Working With The Database

Configuring Database Access

You use the connect function to obtain a new Database object, representing a logical database connection.

You can call connect() with a database name, in which case it will return a database connection based on the named configuration, or with no arguments, in which case it will return the default configuration.

To create a database configuration, use configure(). For example:

{ connect, configure } = require("poutine")
configure "blog", host: ""
connect().count "posts", (err, count, db)->
  console.log "There are #{count} posts in the database"

Poutine picks the first configuration as the default configuration, making it easy to work with a single configuration.

Another common case is having one configuration per environment, and then using the configuration suitable for the current environment. For example:

configure = require("poutine").configure
configure "development", name: "myapp", host: ""
configure "test", name: "myapp-test", host: ""
configure "production", name: "myapp", host: "db.jupiter", pool: 50
configure.default = process.env.NODE_ENV

Alternatively, you can load configurations from a JSON document:

configure = require("poutine").configure
configure fs.readFileSync("databases.json")
configure.default = process.env.NODE_ENV

The JSON configuration document would look like this:

{ "development": {
    name: "myapp",
    host: ""
  "test": {
    name: "myapp-test",
    host: ""
  "production": {
    name: "myapp",
    host: "db.jupiter",
    pool: 50

Managing Connections

(This is heavy and we won't get offended if you skip this section for now and come back to it later, when you need to worry about scaling and concurrency)

Mostly it's just works out, but you still need to understand what to do to handle special cases.

MongoDB uses one thread per TCP connection. That should tell you two things. First, if your application opens and uses a single connection, all the workload will be serialized in a single thread. You won't get a lot of scalability that way. If it's a Web server, you'll want each request to be using its own connection.

Second, if your application keeps opening and closing connections, there's a lot of overhead involved in establishing these connections, both TCP overhead and threads. You want to reuse connections through some pooling mechanism.

Poutine solves this by allowing you to open as many logical connections as you want, but using a pool of TCP connections to handle those requests. Whenever you do an operation, like insert or query, it grabs a connection from the pool, performs that operation, and then returns the connection back to the pool.

That means that all you need to do is grab a connection and use it. You can use one connection throughout the application (but read below why it's not such a good idea), or grab a new connection for each request. You don't have to worry about closing the connection, the logical connection is just a wrapper, and the TCP connections are pooled.

And this works flawlessly for most things you do, but there are a couple of exceptions. Say you're inserting a record into the database and then using the same logical connection to query the database. By default Poutine grabs a TCP connection from the database for each of these operations. It's possible that the insert operation will not complete before the find operation is started and you won't be able to query the object you just created.

There are two ways around this. You can insert safely, which blocks until the insert operation completes. Or you can tell Poutine to reuse the same TCP connection.

Another scenario is using replica sets where each TCP connection may read from a different slave. It takes slaves some time to replicate, so it's possible that one query will hit one server and find an object, but another query will hit a different server and not find the very same object. Again, you can solve that by telling Poutine to reuse the same TCP connection.

You do that by calling begin and end. Calling begin fixes the TCP connection, so all subsequent operations on that connection object will use the same TCP connection. You must follow up with a call to end, otherwise the TCP connection is not available for other requests.

There's reference tracking, so if you're passing the connection to another function that calls begin followed by end, the connection doesn't get released on you.

Here's a simple example:

# Use the same TCP connection for insert and find.
db.begin (end)->
  db.insert "posts", { title: "Find me" }, (err, id)->
    db.find("posts", id).one (err, post)->
      assert post

Alternatively, with one less callback:

# Use the same TCP connection for insert and find.
end = db.begin()
db.insert "posts", { title: "Find me" }, (err, id)->
  db.find("posts", id).one (err, post)->
    assert post


You can query the connection directly by using methods like find, count and distinct. These methods take a collection name/model as the first argument. The same methods are also available on a collection.

Loading Objects

To load a single object by ID, call find with that ID. For example:

connect().find "posts", post_id, (error, post)->
  if post
    console.log "Found post"
    console.log "No such post"

You can also load multiple objects by passing an array of IDs. For example:

connect().find "posts", [id1, id2], (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.length} posts"

To find objects by any other properties, use a query selector. For example:

connect().find "posts", author_id: author._id, (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.length} posts by #{}"

You can also pass query options as the third argument. For example:

connect().find "posts", { author_id: author._id }, fields: ["title"], (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.length} posts by #{}"

The callback receives three arguments. If an error occurs, the first argument is the error. If successful, the first argument is null, the second argument is either the object or objects you're querying, and the last argument is a reference to the database connection.

If you call find without a callback, it returns a Scope object that you can further refine. We'll talk about queries in a moment.

The same method is available on a collection. For example:

posts = connect().collection("posts")
posts.find author_id: author._id, (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.length} posts by #{}"

If you're only interested in loading a single object, you can call the method one with query selector or object identifier. For example:

posts = connect().collection("posts") author_id: author._id, (error, post)->
  console.log "Found this post:", post.title

You can load all objects by calling all with query selector or array of object identifiers. For example:

posts = connect().collection("posts")
posts.all author_id: author._id, (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.length} posts by #{}"

And you can also use each, which will be called once for each object loaded, and finally with null. For example:

posts = connect().collection("posts")
console.log "Loading ..."
posts.each author_id: author._id, (error, post)->
  if post
    console.log post.title
    console.log "Done"

The real beautify of one, each and all is when used in combination with scopes, as you'll see below.

Counting Objects

You can count how many objects are in a given collection by calling count, with or without a selector. For example:

connect().count "posts", (error, count)->
  console.log "There are #{count} posts"

connect().count "posts", author_id: author._id, (error, count)->
  console.log "There are #{count} posts by #{}"

As with find, these methods are also available on a collection. Unlike find, a callback is required. For example:

posts.count (error, posts)->
  console.log "There are #{count} posts"

Distinct Values

You can retrieve distinct values from a set of objects using distinct, with or without a selector. The distinct method requires a field name and provides an array of values. For example:

connect().distinct "posts", "author_id", (error, author_ids, db)->
  db.find "authors", author_ids, (error, authors)->
    names = ( for author in authors)
    console.log "Post authored by #{name.join(", ")}"

As with find, these methods are also available on a collection. Unlike find, a callback is required. For example:

posts.distinct "date", author_id: author._id, (error, dates)->
  console.log "#{} posted on #{dates.join(", ")}"


The Scope object allows you to refine the query using chained methods calls, and to retrieve objects in a variety of different ways.

You can get a Scope object by calling the find method with no callback, or by calling where on the collection. You can chain where methods together to create more specific scopes. For example:

# All posts
posts = connect().find("posts")
# For specific author
for_author = posts.where(author_id: author._id)
# Written today
today = for_author.where(created_at: { $gt: (new Date).beginningOfDay() })

You can also use chain methods to modify the query options, using any of the following methods:

query.fields(...)  # Specify which fields to load
query.asc(...)     # Sort by ascending order
query.desc(...)    # Sort by descending order
query.limit(n)     # Load at most n records
query.skip(n)      # Skip the first n records

For example:

posts.where(author_id: author._id).fields("title").desc("created_at").all (error, posts)->
  titles = (post.title for post in posts)
  console.log "Posts from newest to oldest:", titles

The field, asc and desc methods accept a list of fields, either as multiple arguments, or an array.

To get all the objects selected by a scope you can use all and each. You can also get a single object (the first match) by calling one, the number of objects by calling count and distinct values by calling distinct. These methods operate the same way as the collection methods of the same name.

For example:

posts.where(author_id: author._id).fields("title").all (error, posts)->
  titles = (post.title for post in posts)
  console.log "Found these posts:", titles

posts.where(created_at: { $gt: (new Date).beginningOfDay() }).all (error, count)->
  console.log "Published #{count} posts today"

posts.desc("created_at").fields("title").each (error, post)->
  console.log "Published #{post.title}"

In addition to each, you can also call map, filter and reduce. The map method takes two arguments, the first is the mapping function that is called for each object, and the last is an object that it passed the mapped array. For example:

connect().find("posts").map ((post)-> "#{post.title} on #{post.created_at}"), (error, posts)->
  console.log posts

The filter method takes two arguments, the first is the filtering function that is called for each object. It collects each object for which the filtering function returns true, and passes that array to the callback. For example:

connect().find("posts").filter ((post)-> post.body.length > 500), (error, posts)->
  console.log "Found #{posts.count} posts longer than 500 characters"

You can call reduce with two arguments, the first being the reduce function, which takes a value and an object, and returns the new value. The final value is passed to the callback.

The initial value is null, but you can also call reduce with three arguments, passing the initial value as the first argument. For example:

connect().find("posts").reduce ((total, post)-> total + post.body.length), (error, total)->
  console.log "Wrote #{total} characters"

You can call update with three arguments, the first is the updated document (don't forget $set if you don't want to replace the found document(s)), the second is the options for your update (multi and upsert, both default to false). Last argument is the callback as always, returns an error if any, but nothing else.

posts.where({permalink: {$exists: false}}).update {$set: {permalink: linkGenerator(post)}}, {multi: true}, (error)->
  console.log "All posts without permalinks now got some link love."

There's a shorthand update_all version of update to update multiple documents at once without dealing with an options object.

posts.where({permalink: {$exists: false}}).update_all {$set: {permalink: linkGenerator(post)}}, (error)->
  console.log "All posts without permalinks now got some link love."

There's a shorthand for upserting too.

posts.upsert {title: "First blog post"}, {title: "First and best blog post"}, (error)->
  console.log "If the blog post was found, it was updated, else it was inserted."


You can also use a cursor to iterate over a query. Call next to query and pass the next object to the callback. When there are no more objects to read, it will pass null to the callback. You can rewind the cursor by calling rewind and don't forget to close it by calling close.

For example:

scope = connect().find("posts")
each = (error, post)->
  if post
    console.log post.title each
    console.log "Done"
console.log "Finding ..." each

Model Finders

You can use find and where directly with a model class, for example:

me = User.where(name: "Assaf") (error, user)->
  console.log "Loaded #{}"
User.find post.author_id, (error, user)->
  console.log "Loaded #{}"

You can also use any of the connection/collection finder methods with models, just pass a model class (constructor function) instead of collection name. For example:

connect().find User, name: "Assaf", (error, user)->
  console.log "Loaded #{}"

You can use either Model.finder or find(Model), they both map to the same behavior. The main difference is, your code may be easier to read if you use the Model.finder pattern, and you'll probably prefer to use it often.

On the other hand, Model.finder may use a different TCP connection for each request. If you need to use the same TCP connection (see begin and end), then you have to go through the connection/collection objects.


If the model defines a method called afterLoad, that method is called after the properties are set.

For example:

class Post extends Model
  field "author_id"
  afterLoad: ->
    # All fields set, load associated object.
    @author = Author.find(@author_id)