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An alternative to OpenGarage for ESP8266 that uses ultrasonic sensors to send status of garage doors over MQTT and controls relays to open/close doors. Can be extended to more than two doors.


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An alternative to OpenGarage that uses ultrasonic sensors to send status of garage doors over MQTT and controls relays to open/close doors. It can be integrated in Home Assistant or any other home automation platform that supports MQTT. Can be extended to more than two doors.

Since OpenGarage only supports one door per install and I had trouble with ESPHome to work with my two sensors consistently, I decided to create my own. The Arduino ESP8266 sketch in this repo allows you to build a solution that will send the status of two ultrasonic sensors over MQTT (which can be translated to the status of the garage doors in the consuming application, not included in this solution). Also, this sketch receives commands through MQTT and toggles relays to open/close the doors.


  • Wemos D1 Mini. You can use any equivalent but you will most likely have to update the code to match the pins.
  • US-100 or HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors, one per door. This sketch assumes two (two doors). If using US-100 make sure to remove the jumper on the sensor.
  • Relays, either the Wemos D1 Mini relay shield (I used the relay shield for the right door) or any other 5v/3v relay (I used a general relay for the left door). This sketch assumes two (two garage door controllers).


See the image below and the Fritzing diagram. If you like to read instead of looking at an image (who would?) - here is the list of connections to make:

  • Wemos 3V --> VCC of ultrasonic sensors (2x)
  • Wemos GND --> GND of ultrasonic sensors (2x)
  • Wemos GND --> GND of relays (2x)
  • Wemos 5V --> VCC of relays (2x)
  • Wemos D1 --> D1 of relay 1 (right door)
  • Wemos D2 --> SIG of relay 2 (left door)
  • Wemos D5 --> echo/rx of ultrasound (right door)
  • Wemos D6 --> trigger of ultrasound (right door)
  • Wemos D7 --> echo/rx of ultrasound (left door)
  • Wemos D8 --> trigger of ultrasound (left door)

Wiring diagram


The sketch supports over-the-air (OTA), but you will first 'prime' your chip with the OTA software as instructed here Arduino OTA. After that you can deploy this sketch and any updates OTA.



You will probably need to make the following edits in the sketch:

Line Setting Default
13 configure the hostname you want your esp8266 to have on your network garagedoors
14 configure the password you will use when uploading updates using OTA password
18/19 configure the pin (trigger pin, echo pin) for your ultrasonic sensors. Two have been provided, add more here if you need them 12,14 and 15,13
22 time in seconds between each update of sensor status on MQTT 30 seconds
27 Your WiFi SSIS MyWiFi
28 Your WiFi security key NotSecure
35 The IPAddress of your MQTT server, with components separated by ',' instead of '.' 192,168,1,2
38 The user to login to the MQTT server user
39 The password to login to the MQTT server password
40 The topic you will receive commands on. Command is expected to look like: {"door": "left","command":"open"} and needs to be valid JSON. door = left will map to the left garage door, door = right to the right one. command = open will open the door, command = close will close the door. command is ignored since we only need to know which relay (door) to toggle this assumes you will never send a command while the door is still in motion. garagedoors/command
42/43 The topics two write the sensor status to, one per door. Two have been provided, add more here if you need them. garagedoors/right, garagedoors/left
50/51 The pins for your relays. Two have been provided, add more here if you need them. D1,D2
56 Duration (in milliseconds) to close the switch on the door opener. This should be long enough for the mechanism to start; typically it doesn't to remain activated for the door to complete its motion. It is the same as the time you'd hold down the button to start the door moving. 600
105-112 Add more if/else if/else constructs if you need to control more than two doors N/A
190/191 Add initialization of more relay pins if you need to control more than two doors N/A
215-220 Add code to read and publish ultrasonic sensor readings in the corresponding MQTT topics if you need to control more than two doors N/A

Home Assistant configuration

Since I kept the work in the Arduino sketch to a minimum as possible there are quite some things to configure in Home Assistant. This is my config (all for two doors):

input_number: #these are used to make the state switching configurable in the UI
      name: Garage Door Closed Distance Setting
      min: 0
      max: 1000
      step: 1
      mode: box
      name: Garage Door Vehicle Present Distance Setting
      min: 0
      max: 1000
      step: 1
      mode: box
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Garage Door Distance Left
    state_topic: "garagedoors/left"
    icon: mdi:altimeter
    unit_of_measurement: cm
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Garage Door Distance Right
    state_topic: "garagedoors/right"
    icon: mdi:altimeter
    unit_of_measurement: cm
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Left Garage Door State
        value_template: "{%if states('sensor.garage_door_distance_left')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_closed_distance_setting')|float %} Closed {% elif states('sensor.garage_door_distance_left')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_vehicle_present_distance_setting')|float %} Vehicle Present {% else %} Open {% endif %}"
        icon_template: "{%if states('sensor.garage_door_distance_left')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_closed_distance_setting')|float %} mdi:garage {% elif states('sensor.garage_door_distance_left')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_vehicle_present_distance_setting')|float %} mdi:garage-alert {% else %} mdi:garage-open {% endif %}"
        friendly_name: Right Garage Door State
        value_template: "{%if states('sensor.garage_door_distance_right')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_closed_distance_setting')|float %} Closed {% elif states('sensor.garage_door_distance_right')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_vehicle_present_distance_setting')|float %} Vehicle Present {% else %} Open {% endif %}"
        icon_template: "{%if states('sensor.garage_door_distance_right')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_closed_distance_setting')|float %} mdi:garage {% elif states('sensor.garage_door_distance_right')|float < states('input_number.garage_door_vehicle_present_distance_setting')|float %} mdi:garage-alert {% else %} mdi:garage-open {% endif %}"
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Garage Door Left
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.garagedoor_left_state','Open')}}"
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"left", "command":"open"}'
            retain: false
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"left", "command":"close"}'
            retain: false
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"left", "command":"stop"}'
            retain: false
        friendly_name: Garage Door Right
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.garagedoor_right_state','Open')}}"
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"right", "command":"open"}'
            retain: false
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"right", "command":"close"}'
            retain: false
          service: mqtt.publish
            topic: garagedoors/command
            payload: '{"door":"right", "command":"stop"}'
            retain: false

In the UI, these are the cards that I added:

Left door:

  - entity: cover.garage_door_left
  - entity: sensor.garagedoor_left_state
  - entity: sensor.garage_door_distance_left
show_header_toggle: false
title: Left Garage Door
type: entities

Right door:

  - entity: cover.garage_door_right
  - entity: sensor.garagedoor_right_state
  - entity: sensor.garage_door_distance_right
show_header_toggle: false
title: Right Garage Door
type: entities


An alternative to OpenGarage for ESP8266 that uses ultrasonic sensors to send status of garage doors over MQTT and controls relays to open/close doors. Can be extended to more than two doors.








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